Interactive Reading from
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close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:
STEM: This card is so positive you have the ability to do anything & everything youve ever dreamed of doing. you have have all the power inside you just need to believe you can do it. you will surprise yourself, take that leap of faith.
LEAF: dont allow people to look down on you and make you feel unworthy you are worthy of greatness. if perhaps you are a person who is doing the judging keep these thoughts inside as you dont know what struggles are going on for that person even if its as clear as day to another people be a friend and lend an ear without the judgments.
FLOWER: Although wishes do come true we do need to work towards our dreams and have faith that everything will fall into place and our hard times are shaping us for whats just around the corner.
I hope you can relate yo your choice id love to hear some feedback. sprinkles of love & light xxxx