Friday, July 25, 2014

Interactive Reading Friday 25th July 2014

Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on.
I am using my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to.


ORDINARINESS - you may feel like you want excitement or that your missing out but your really not you are doing exactly what your meant to be doing. Change will come in time try and enjoy the here & now.

LAZINESS- Sit back relax and just let others take care of it ypu are always running around worry about everyone else, clear your mind and relax for awhile.

I hope you can all relate to your choice.  Id love to hear feedback publicly or via email.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, July 21, 2014

Interactive Reading Monday 21st July 2014

Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on.
I am using my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to.


Rebirth this card is about seeing things from a new angle and trying new things. Stand up for yourself more im not suggesting you start fights or arguments but if youve something on your chest or you feel somethings not right say it.

Completion this card says it all really the end is in sight the jig saw puzzle is nearly complete.

I hope you can relate please feel free to leave feedback.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, July 14, 2014

Interactive Reading 14th July 2014

Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on.
I am using my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to.


Comparison - this is in relation to you individually which part of your life are you comparing and why?  money, life in general , kids car employment. ........ you are you you are an individual you are on your own path dont waste your brain power comparing because in life theres always someone who has it "all put together" or appears to have ......

Compromise - With this card everything has to have a little give and take. In ever area of your life with every person there must be a compromise of sorts to occur. You cant always get your own way just as much the other person can't. If your the "taker" give back in return if your the "giver" stand up snd take a little.

I hope you can all relate to your choice id love to hear some feedback publicly or via mail.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Super Moon 12th July 2014

Super Moon tonight  place your crystals and Tarot & Angel cards on the inside windowsill. This will Charge them up Cleanse them first by shuffling them up and mixing them round, rinse crystals under a little running tap water.
Emotions will be heighten so breath and count to 10.
sprinkles of love and light xxxx

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Interactive Reading 9th July 2014

Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on.
I am using my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:


(yes lol Dublin Airpot T1 or T2)

SILENCE: Its amazing what you can hear in the quiet, not in a silent room im not suggesting you ignore the person in the room but go up to bed, the bathroom, the car wherever you can get 10 mins peace and quiet. Quieten your mind pay attention to your breaths  ignore everything that pops into your head  and just be simply silent its amazing what a little 5-10 minute meditation can do. (you dont even need to close your eyes if you dont want to)

TURNING IN: this card is so similar to the above card, the answers that you seek are within, ask your question out loud and then, quieten your mind pay attention to your breaths and just be simply silent ignore everything that pops into your head sit for approx 10 mins and when your finished you may be more focused to deal with people and situations.

I hope you can all relate to your choice id love to hear some feedback publicly or via mail.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, July 5, 2014

interactive reading 5th July 2014

Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on.
I am usong my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:


RIPENESS- This card is saying you are ready you are ripe let go of the things, situations, people, places etc. that are holding you back your time to shine is now.

COMPLETION- The puzzle is nearly complete the end is in sight dont loose hope & faith your nearly there believe in yourself dont second doubt as your about to cross the finish line.

PATIENCE- as the saying goes good things come to those who wait.... but they come quickier if you focus on 1 thing at a time not changing your mind work towards your goals believe that you will get there in the end.

I hope you can all relate to your choices id love to hear some feedback publicly or privately.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx