Monday, December 28, 2015

Let go

Holding onto grudges, judgement, resentment etc will only disturb your peace, your life, your thoughts basically your every being.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go and move away from these people, situations, events etc and live you life within your means and what you can do.
Stay true to you.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Interactive Reading

Interactive Reading Revealed

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall?

High or Low:

For those of you drawn to High your card is all about  taking your head out of the sand and jumping into action. The longer you avoid/neglect/ignore/fear whatever it is your avoiding the worse bit will be for you and the people around you. For some of you your imagination has gone into over drive for others it won't be as bad as you've  stressed about. If you're looking for help and assistance you need to ask for it both from the people around you and your loved ones in Spirit call upon the Angels to help you.

For those of you drawn to low your card is about taking a time out  this can be from certain people around you, from situations, from your own thoughts etc.
I feel like a lot of you have been caught up in the rat race in the hustle and bustle and it's taken its toll on you. Please take time for a break - 20 minutes would really help and in this break it literally you a cup of tea/coffee & thoughts of a quiet happy place in far far away land, if 20 minutes is stretching it take take 5, if this is viable go outside and scream shake yourself down when ya cone back in through some water on your face.
You need to stop burning the candle and both ends if they meet it'll be like monopoly "go straight to jail" until you roll a six!!!!!

I hope you can all relate to your choices. I love hearing feedback so please drop me a line publicly or via mail.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Free Tarot Reading.

Daily Interactive Reading.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall?

North or South

For those of you who choose North your card is about experiences and learning from everything every day is a new experience be present to enjoy them, to learn from them to get through them. All these experiences, reactions & actions make you who you are so if you find your constantly in the same situation/predicament learn from the past and if you've been doing the same thing over & over do something different as the saying goes "the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results".

For those of you who choice south your card is about breaking down doors and allowing yourself to move to the next stage basically to stop standing in your own way. It's time  to believe in yourself for all you are. So you may feel you're "different" or you're the only one going through this whatever your situation, there's people  around you that want to help and be there for you please allow them to help.
Sometimes for us to fully open the next floor we need to embrace our whole selves the good, the bad, the scary everything when we stop fighting the inward battle we can fully be true to ourselves and become complete.

I hope you can relate to your choice.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, December 7, 2015

Daily Free reading

Daily Interactive Reading

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall?

A or B?

The outcome to your present worries, situation etc will be a happy one but it mightnt necessarily be what you hope but things will work out how they are supposed to. For some of you you're happiness mightnt be the "norm" in comparison to others but you are an individual and stop comparing yourself enjoy your uniqueness.

For those of you who choose this there's are lot fears surrounding you some general for this time of the year financial, the usually others for the festival season but stop looking at what you don't have and look at what you do have.
For others you need to use your voice to ask for help with certain situations and don't feel ashamed you're doing what you can with what you have.

I hope you can all relate.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, December 4, 2015

Daily Interactive

Daily Interactive Reading

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall?

Seat 1 or 2?

Seat 1
For those of you drawn to seat one its time you nurtured yourself be kind to yourself have kindness and forgiven for yourself. Looking after others will always present it self in one way or another but please don't forget about yourself you won't be able to help or assist anyone if your not on all cylinders.

Seat 2
Stop and listen to yourself you've great inner strength and great ability. You need to push yourself up and over the hill. You may feel yourself getting bogged down with the little things but stand up take a deep breath let all that go and step forward. You've got this believe in yourself.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Daily Reading

Interactive Reading Meanings

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Your choices are
Purple or  Green

Purple ~
For those of you who are drawn to Purple your message is to have faith at this time things are looking good keep going make long term plans and have patience Rome wasn't  built in a day and you can only do what you can small steps will get you to where you need to be.

Green ~
For those of you who were drawn  to green your message is saying Focus keep your eyes firmly fixed on your goals there's people around you who are trying to lead you "astray" or bring you back to what you broke free of its ok to step 1 step back but you need to get your head back in the game refocus on what you want.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Words of Wisdom

People should help and support  each other not belittle  each other and tare people down. Life is an experience not a competition. Enjoy each and  every day.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, November 27, 2015

Daily Interactive Reading.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall on to the picture?


This card is all about letting go of the fear based energy from you, around you, the people around you and everyone  involved.
For some of you, you'll literally have to block people's energy for this Call upon Archangel  Michael  to shield  you from the negative energies that are around you imagine his shield protectively surrounding you.
For others  you need to step away from these people who are dragging you down for you to be able to move forward.

This card is about listening to your body all your senses every inch of you. Honour your  emotions, whatever your feeling do what you need to do, go out and shout shake it off, take a bath.
Holding in tears can be the worst thing to do let them fall release that tension. Take note of what you're consuming your body is sensitive and too many additives is play havoc with you. Avoid any harsh situations as much as you can if you can't call upon Archangel  Michael  to shield you from the negative energies that are around imagine his shield protectively surrounding you.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

#BLACKFRIDAY week 50% OFF ALL online readings contact me via

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Daily Reading 11-10

Daily card reading.

Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open them which card are you drawn to Left or Right.

For some of you that were drawn to this card your desire is to move forward and leave what has toubled you in the past. When we make peace with the past and accept what was and what is now can we fully move forward learn from the past and avoid repeat mistakes.
For others this card is urging you to find what you truly desire to do find something more meaningful for you and your life. Sometimes we need to look at our surroundings and the people within our circles what can we change to make us happier are you being dragged down by these things break out of the cycle.
When all this happens we begin to grow within ourselves.
The card reads "A desire to move on. The search for something more meaningful. Spiritual and emotional growth".

This card is all about defending your beliefs what you believe in is yours it no one can take that away from you each person has a different view but then again we all walk separate paths side by side so be nice to people even if they disagree with you. Your decisions in the past the present and into the future are yours only you can make decisions for your life from what you can/cant do people can offer guidance and advice but only you can make them. When all is said and down some of you need to stand up for yourselves more and have confidence in what your say and some of you need to choose pick and choose your disagreements just because you feel/know that they're wrong thats their beliefs so be gentle nod and smile.
The card says "Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground! Choose your battles wisely".

I hope you can relate to your choice.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, November 9, 2015

Daily Interactive Reading 11-09

Daily Interactive Reading.

Which are you more drawn to Gold or Ruby
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes what colour do you see Gold or Ruby?

The card for people who choose Gold is all about getting back to you finding out or figuring out what it is that you as an individual want in life. Yes our plans and life goals can get postponed due to life in general, family, work commitments etc etc but just because the end goal has moved a little it doesn't mean that you cant get to it if you work towards it you will succeed eventually.

This card is all about opening your heart to those around you I'm not saying every person trust your heart, your intuition trust You to move on to the next level. Sometimes because of the past we can lock up our hearts and some people never reopen the door but if it feels right go for it. This isnt all about romance in the relationship sense for some of you it is but for others its friends around you. Trust your judgement.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Thank you

#thankfulness #blessed #lovinglife #psychic #medium
sprinkles of love & light

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Daily Reading 11-05

Daily Interactive Reading.
Which are you more drawn to Turf or Coal.
Sharing is caring.
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first Turf or Coal?


For anyone who was drawn to this the card is all about embracing the changes and embracing the relationships that you are in this can be romantic, platonic, sibling, parents, work etc etc etc Every person has a different story so try not to judge so critically if you get talking to them you may realise youve more in common than you think. Remember your choices and decision today have a knock effect so think things through carefully you may need to re-evaluate one or two things. Call Archangel Gabriel to help with speaking your mind and getting the words right.

This card is all about forgivness this forgiveness is for other people and for yourself. By forgiving an other person doesnt mean youre saying they were right but youre unleshing the power it has over you the dark cloud thats been hanging around will move along. Call Archangel Michael to help you cut the cords with these issues, people, situation after you do his call Archangel Raphael for healing. Theres great sadness around some of you please know that you are not alone ask your friends and family in spirit to guide you to where you need to be and also ask the Angels to help aswell.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Daily Reading 11-04

Daily Interactive Reading.

Which Shape are you being guided towards Circle or Star?
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

The Circle or The Star.

The Circle~
Ask the Angels to help release any and all toxic energies that you may have absorbed. You may have noticed that youre feeling heavy and have a lack of energy lately. By releases these toxic energies youll notice a change in yourself. Look after yourself youre so busy worrying about everyone else you need to look after yourself aswell or you wont have the energy to help others.

The Star~
This card is about knowing and feeling safe to let yourself shine. Take charge of your life in ways that are positive for you right now and for the future. Its time to leave the past mistakes and hurt behind the angels are helping you do this but ask for their assistance feel their warm love surrounding you. Make peace with the past, learn the lesson and move on knowing you wont fall into that trap again.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, November 2, 2015

Daily Reading 11-02

Daily Interactive Reading.
Which Archangel Healing card are you guided to most? Left or Right?
Sharing is caring.
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?
The Left card or The Right card

Dawning Light Tarot Card Readings's photo.

The Left card or The Right card

The Left Card is Archangel Raphael this card is all about healing "The Healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work". This can be related to your own thoughts towards yourself, towards others, about the past, one specific person, a group of people etc. Let got of this forgive yourself and others, let Archangel Raphael's powerful green healing light surround you full of healing let the love in and know that you are loved.

The Right Card is about looking within for the answers "Put you entire intention on answering the question How can I make the world a better place? and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs".
This card is about setting your mind your heart your very being into what you want in this life asking for the assistance and guidance of the Angels and spirit along the way. This card is also about taking responsibility of the small changes that you as an individual can do some will say "what difference will it make 1 person not doing x,y&z right now your right nothing but youll inspire someone else to make a change, to do something else and theyll inspire someone ad they will etc etc etc and that will come from you.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, October 30, 2015

Daily Reading 10-30

Daily Interactive Readings

Which Witch can you relate to?
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

Witch A, Witch B or Witch C. .

Witch A
For those of you who choose this image the card is about the end of a difficult situation things are looking up and know that you've come further on your journey than you realise, that all the struggles, all the stumbling blocks all the slammed doors they have all made you who you are. Each obstacle some alot harder than others some like a pebble but each one has changed, shaped and molded you into you. Leave behind the things you no longer need and know youve down the best you can with the people around you and each obstacle.

Witch B
This card is all delays being over and things happening at a fast pace. The changes evolving around you are at a fast pace but these changes youve been dreaming of but now that they are here youre digging your heals in this is normal human behavior but spirit wants you to know that theyre right beside you shining the light for you. you can do this youve got this. Breath through it and try to let go and let things fall into place where they need to be.

Witch C
This card is saying youre ready to break down the walls of your cage youre ready to open the door and step out. Although youre possible reading this disagreeing but you still have 1 foot in the door and the other out. People will always have their opinions rightly or wrongly but they havent walked in your shoes they havnt been there theyve only heard the stories and connected the dots people will always judge but once youve made peace with the past thats their own sadness that keeps them in the past. Open your cage door go sit on that branch and remember if it breaks you can fly high. Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Daily Reading 10-28

Daily Interactive Reading.
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

Costume 1 or Costume 2.

Costume 1~
Your card today is about trusting your gut feeling your intuition your senses trusting yourself. for some of you youre ready to take that leap of faith and you know you are but youre holding back because of fear dont let this pull you down anymore go for it. For the rest of you its time  put your heads down and do the research and fid out what route around is bet for you and your life. Seek out professional advise (if its needed) speak to people whove been in similar situations etc. Start making the steps needed for that trusting leap of faith.

Costume 2~
This card is all about turning inward and dealing with whats going on in your head, heart, life. Its time to stop ignoring and procrastinating and putting things into action and dealing with things. What youve been through on your personal journey is yours dont or try not to point the finger even if it was someone elses fault you cant blame them 20 years down the line, its time for you to deal with it and get on with your life use it as a stepping stone for greatness help another person in a similar situation, help a charity etc what ever it is that fits for you do it.

I hope you can relate.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Daily Reading 10-27

Daily Interactive Reading.

Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

Glass 1 or Glass 2.

Glass 1:
Its time to come to the surface for air you're dragging yourself down with unnecessary worry and stress. Look at things from a different perspective why does it matter so much and if because so & so will be doing it or they'll be getting/having whatever then your worry is that your not going to be able o keep up the Jones` and your circumstances and theirs is completely different please don't stress because you are doing the best you can and by planning ahead and doing small things you will get there.

Glass 2:
Patience patience is wise to have at this time because if you dont youll end up venting at the wrong person things are going to work our but have some patience youre doing what you can and as everyone knows Rome wasnt built in a day. Keep working towards your long term goal and when you keep this is sight itll all seem trivial and you wont get worked up about it.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Daily Reading 10-25

Sundays Card

Todays card is about making decisions and clearing what no longer serves you. This can be a "spring clean" of your living area, wardrobe etc and also about really seeing people for what and who they are sometimes we need to step aside from the dramas that follow some people around and sometimes we have to let people learn the hard way even when all the facts point to one ending, this doesnt mean you leave them high and dry but when it becomes clear whats happened/happening be there for them. Decisions are hard but write out the pros and cons d research find out the nitty gritty facts and listen to what youre intuition is telling you.

I hope you can relate.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Daily Reading 10-24

Daily Interactive Reading.
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?
LEFT or Right


Be fair if you think somethings not right say it, stand up for yourself and others who need a helping hand If you stand and watch, listen etc are you not just as bad for doing nothing? 
Help people out who need it ask for help if you need it youll feel lighter for simple asking for help. 
For some of you I can feel a struggle occurring of what right and socially acceptable? This card is all about fairness and justice and doing whats right. Dont judge people of their outer appearance, on the car they drive on martial status etc etc you haven't walked a mile in their shoes so drop the harsh critical judgments and do whats right.

This card is about beginnings and the refreshment of what you have ie spending more time with your partner and rekindling the spark. 
If you are starting a new relationship, a new job, moving anything new for you things will turn out ok. For those that arent starting anything new this card for is about looking at things through fresh new eyes looking at your life from a different perspective a new perspective not from how you think someone else thinks of your life and as you feel this new found empowerment shake off your judgments of other peoples lives.

I hope you can relate to your choice.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, October 23, 2015

Daily Reading 10-23

Daily Interactive Reading.
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

Picture 1, Picture 2 or Picture 3.

Picture ~ 1
This card is letting you know that youre nearly there and things are looking up if you fell that your not moving forward take a look at this time last year & compare it to now for some people there will be drastic/ significant differences but for others they will see small differences but it doesnt matter big or small it only matters that youre moving forward. Make some long term plans and keep them in your mind daily as a reminder of what you want and where you want to be.

Picture ~ 2
Take a deep breath and let it all go you must start looking after yourself both mentally & emotionally do what you need to do so as you can de-stress. Make sure that you fully trust the people you are confiding in and if you dont try not to get sucked in to their games.

Picture ~ 3
Delays are ahead of you but thats ok it will give you time to tie up the lloose ends and really have all the information and research done. Somethings are going to change for you but as hard as they may seem to be you will be glad in a few months that you stuck to it.

I hope you can relate to your choice.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Daily Reading 10-22

Daily Interactive Reading.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

Picture 1, Picture 2 or Picture 3.

Picture 1~
Now is the time to get down to business focus on the task at hand and give it the attention and concentration it needs because you dont want to be kicking yourself afterwards saying if only id gave it my all or more attention etc. Ask for advise from someone who has been in if not the same but similar situations. Use your voice to communicate fully. You've got this.

Picture 2~
As i was shuffling the cards I heard the "happy song" and you know what thats exactly what this card is saying to be happy about everyone and everything in your life gratitude for what we have not the longing for what we dont have, yes we all have problems, issues, situations we dont like etc etc but lets be happy for what we have regardless of what it is. Take the focus of the "wants" and shift it back to the "haves" in life.

Picture 3~
The picture of the road runner and coyote are to me a symbol of not knowing when to stop and try something different, try a different angle, change your approach, change your thought process regarding to the issues, situation, person etc. Sometimes to follow our dreams and get to where we want to be we have to cut our losses and move on by this I mean change our surroundings, stopping contact with people who bring us down, limiting the contact with people etc.
This card is also about empowering ourselves to be strong enough to take the leap of faith across to the path we want to be on.

I hope you can relate to your choice.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Daily Reading 10-21

Daily Interactive Reading.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

1. Relax, 2. Breath, 3. Smile.


1~ Relax
Today Id like you to take a few moments and stretch up your arms stretch your finger your legs your toes and walk with your head held high but remember to keep eye on the end goal sometimes we have days of "meh" and "blah" thats ok but dont let the negativity to take hold keep your mind positive for the long term.

2~ Breath
Why do you doubt yourself? Weve all made some wrong choices slipped onto the wrong path etc. we are human. right now you need to trust in your intuition your gut feel if it doesnt feel right dont do it, think of the bigger picture will this bring you forward or bring you back a few steps? Have some patience it will all happen but time needs time to work.

3~ Smile
Biting your tongue can avoid conflict but you are in the long run hurting yourself be tactful with what you say remember words can really hurt so be careful. Ask for help when things are getting on top of you advise from people who are qualified in certain areas will help you out in the long run.

I hope you can relate.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Daily Free Reading 10-20

Daily Interactive Reading
Sharing is caring.

Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?

Fish 1, Fish 2, Fish 3.

Fish 1~
Putting things off and avoiding people and situations is really putting a hold on life. Sometimes we need to take the "bull by the horns" and sort things out. Think things through first though, what you'll say, what you wont etc. but waiting is only prolonging the stress and tension.

Fish 2~
Your card is all about putting your dreams into action and believing that you'll get there. Sometimes in life we really have to take a leap of faith weather it be letting a person know your feelings, a new job, going for a job you'd like, doing a course, going travelling etc etc etc. Start the path of your dreams today they mightnt come true today or tomorrow but keep working towards them.

Fish 3~
This card is about learning more, this is good for going back into education, courses in person or online, studying up on a subject yourself re-educating yourself becoming more skilled, learning is an everyday thing maybe you need to push yourself to work your mind harder.

I hope you can relate to your choice.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, October 19, 2015

Daily Interactive Reading Sharing is caring.
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?.
Coffee or Tea.
Coffee~ You deserve a pat on the back and to acknowledge that youve done the best that you can do. Try to stop being so hard on yourself you really aren't superman or wonder-woman and you are giving it your best shot admitting you need help doesnt mean youre weak or anything of the sort it means you know your human and as the saying goes "no man is an island".
Tea~ Holding on to the past or the present really doesnt work it leaves you trapped and afraid. Make peace with the past, enjoy the present and step into tomorrow. Enjoy life and all the magical moments of it. Micro-managing life will leave you with a huge headache and feelings of dis-satisfaction when in reality everything isnt as bad as it seems. Life could be worse.

I hope you can relate.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx