Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Free Tarot Reading.

Daily Interactive Reading.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall?

North or South

For those of you who choose North your card is about experiences and learning from everything every day is a new experience be present to enjoy them, to learn from them to get through them. All these experiences, reactions & actions make you who you are so if you find your constantly in the same situation/predicament learn from the past and if you've been doing the same thing over & over do something different as the saying goes "the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results".

For those of you who choice south your card is about breaking down doors and allowing yourself to move to the next stage basically to stop standing in your own way. It's time  to believe in yourself for all you are. So you may feel you're "different" or you're the only one going through this whatever your situation, there's people  around you that want to help and be there for you please allow them to help.
Sometimes for us to fully open the next floor we need to embrace our whole selves the good, the bad, the scary everything when we stop fighting the inward battle we can fully be true to ourselves and become complete.

I hope you can relate to your choice.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

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