Daily card reading.
Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open them which card are you drawn to Left or Right.
For some of you that were drawn to this card your desire is to move forward and leave what has toubled you in the past. When we make peace with the past and accept what was and what is now can we fully move forward learn from the past and avoid repeat mistakes.
For others this card is urging you to find what you truly desire to do find something more meaningful for you and your life. Sometimes we need to look at our surroundings and the people within our circles what can we change to make us happier are you being dragged down by these things break out of the cycle.
When all this happens we begin to grow within ourselves.
The card reads "A desire to move on. The search for something more meaningful. Spiritual and emotional growth".
This card is all about defending your beliefs what you believe in is yours it no one can take that away from you each person has a different view but then again we all walk separate paths side by side so be nice to people even if they disagree with you. Your decisions in the past the present and into the future are yours only you can make decisions for your life from what you can/cant do people can offer guidance and advice but only you can make them. When all is said and down some of you need to stand up for yourselves more and have confidence in what your say and some of you need to choose pick and choose your disagreements just because you feel/know that they're wrong thats their beliefs so be gentle nod and smile.
The card says "Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground! Choose your battles wisely".
I hope you can relate to your choice.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
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