Sunday, August 31, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Your journey
Interactive Reading 22/08/2014
Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on for others
I am using my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:
MEANINGS: The choices are
Car or Taxi
This is more than tiredness its heart hurting head spiliting exhaustion thus is generally the feeling we get before we give up/give in please dont keep focussed and keep the faith. Its nearly finished the light at the end of the tunnel is on you may need to adjust your glasses and focus.
Allow youself to rest and heal all areas of your being. Physically you are probably aware of what you can do. Remember to heal your inner self your mind, your soul, your innerself. Meditation will help and talk and verbalise your fears and worries likewise your hopes and dreams.
I hope you can all relate to your choose.
Id love to hear some feedback.
sprinkles of love and light xxxx