Please & Thank You 2 very simple words very under used.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Thank You
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Interactive Reading Zen Oracle cards
Interactive Reading from
please feel free to share on for others
I am using my Zen Oracle Deck
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:
sprinkles of love & light xxxx
SUCCCESS What ever you want to do and are doing you will a success have faith in yourself and give it a little more time for you to get the fruits of your labour.
GOING WITH THE FLOW allow yourself to relax and stop planning and stressing for the future and over the past nothing is ever as bad as it seems allow your guides and angels to guide you on your path trust your gut feelings.
ICE-OLATION stop trapping yourself with self doubt and always fearing the worst yes you will have bad days, weeks and months but they wont last forever and you can get through them all ask for help we all need a friend to help us.
MATURITY sometimes being the mature one is a bore but being the joker and the childish 1 in the group doesn't do us any favours either be mature and sollow your pride we are all individuals and we are all different being mature just allows us to accept others and their differences and allowing everyone to be themselves.
I hope you can all relate to your choice id love to hear feedback either publicly or via email.
You can also purchase a reading from my website prices start at €1.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Sunday, September 14, 2014
yes you can
Take a leap of Faith, trust in yourself and your abilities. Yes it will be hard, yes you will want to give up & yes YOU CAN DO IT.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Interactive reading 13-09-2014
Interactive reading from Zen Oracle Deck:
your choices are
PINK- your card is "Adventure" go and investigate what it is your wondering about allow your inner child to lead you & guide you. You are allowed to have fun & be silly as an adult. Go on a bouncey castle, roll down a hill, go swing on a swing.
GREY - Your card is "the dream" weve all grown up with some small dream or fantasy of what wed like anything from our partner, our place of living, our children, job etc etc and we all fall short on a few our dreams but dont dwell on the have nots be thanful for your haves they are better than the dreams because you get to fully enjoy them. Life will always have ups & downs but you can get through them.
WHITE your card is "clinging to the past" when we look back at the past we all have the oh I wish I did/didn't do, say that etc. but your past as brought you to this point every event both positive and negative has made you the peraon you are today yes wed all like to change somethings but looking to the past wont help, make the steps for change tomorrow and walk steps for the future.
I hope you can relate to the colour you picked.
sprinkles of love and light xxxx
Friday, September 12, 2014
Good Morning
A thought for today
let go of anger, let go of hatred, let go of guilt, let go of other people s hold & control. Be you, be true to you, be wrong, be right, be there to help yourself and others.
You are a shining light, you can do anything.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx