Sunday, May 4, 2014

Zen tarot interactive reading

Interactive Reading from my Zen Oracle Deck.
close your eyes take a deep breath and choose what your drawn to:


Sprinkles of love and light xxxx
Remember Sharing is Caring :)

GOLD-  two cards have jumped out for this the first is
HARMONY this is suggesting that you just start or continue to be true to your own wants and needs once you have inner peace and harmony it will explode to the outside world step aside from the drama and you will see clearly.
ABUNDANCE This is a card I feel is related to "the secret" share with others and you will receive ten fold perhaps some of you are saving fir a rainy day & refuse to dip in to help others or your own situation its ok weve all felt pressurised in situations its your decision but would they help you? Im not suggesting for one second give them your all but help not financial but emotionally advise dont preach etc.

This card says exactly what it means some of you are looking back with rose tinted glasses wanting what you had back then but was it all wonderful .... others are feeling hurt, let down & angry but over all the message is the same leave the past in the past you can only move forward you can't rewind the hands of time learn from your mistakes or the mistakes of others and step on to the present day train and full steam ahead.

Yes uts the daily slog its the mundane things we do day in day out probably at the same time as well but you know thats life we cant all be rock stars we cant all have a money tree were all here breathing enjoy life some more break routine once in awhile enjoy the simple things.

I hope you can all relate, I look forward to hearing some feedback.
Sprinkles of love and light xxxx

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