Thursday, October 30, 2014

Interactive Reading

I'm using my Zen Oracle Cards for these:

for those that were guided to Star - Suppression
This card is bringing to light feelings of being trapped and wanting to break free of these restrictions deep breaths inhale & exhale ask for help whatever the problem is a problem shared is a problem halved dont feel silly or inadequate help is at at hand.

Flower - Integration
If your choice was flower this card is saying to use all your resources and abilities as one whole being and you will get more done. Use all your talents and capabilities to push yourself forward.

Circle - Politics
This card is basically referring to people with 2 faces be aware of the snake in the grass if you feel or suspect someone is being two faced step away however if your the person being a little two faced stop theres no point its yourself you will hurt on the end.

Butterfly - Harmony
I feel for the majoriy of people that have picked this are in need of some alone time some peace and quiet. If this is you try a meditation theres loads  free on YouTube you will feel the difference within yourself.
If you feel harmony this card is a reminder to keep up what it is your doing wheather it be a simple 5 mins you time, a walk, meditation keep it up and reap the rewards.

I hope you can all relate id love to hear some feedback.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, October 10, 2014

Interactive Reading

Interactive Reading from

please feel free to share on for others

I am using my Tarot deck, Angel Therapy Oracle deck & Zen Oracle deck.

close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:


Top - this is from my Zen Oracle Deck.
This card signifies you maybe feeling over whelmed and finding things hard and general life tough stand back take a deep breath, things will get better its not as bad as you think you can do it. Take 1 day at a time.

MIDDLE - this is from my Tarot deck.
This card represents unions these can vary from either romantical, just friendships,  work mates, family etc. This card to me tonight is saying that we each need to give & take in all our relationships no matter what they are. We each need to give & receive in return.

BOTTOM - this is from my Angel Therapy Oracle deck.
Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your purpose.  Allow him to take your burdens and ease the weight of your baggage.

I hope you can each relate to your choice, id love to hear aome feedback publicly or via mail.

sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, October 9, 2014

your choice!!!!

the decision is yours at the end of the day but stop for second and think which do you want to be? Stuck in the mud??? or Flying Free???
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse tonight. Welcome the Blood Moon tonight. Energise/Charge your tarot, angel & oracle cards in the moons power, like wise all your crystals. Place them on the inside windowsill and ask the energy of the moon, all the angels & your guides to help charge them with intent of love and light.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Interactive Reading Zen Oracle Carfs

Interactive Reading the choices are
A, B, C (left to right or from the top down)
Close your eyes take a deep breath and ask your angels and guides to let 1 jump out at you.


A -
Letting Go is your card this is reminding us that we cant change the past we cant change other peoples thoughts and actions theyll always do & say feel act etc to how they feel same for you in the words of Frozen let it all go.

bring your inner child out to play and allow youself to play kick a ball skip go down the slide be a monkey on the climbing frame sit diwn and have a tea party with a teddy I know I sound cracked but your card is saying inject a lil play time into your day.

Guilt dont allow inner guilt stop you from moving forwards yes weve all made mistakes no one is perfect some mistakes are bigger and more devastating than other, some repeat them over & over hoping for different results but all your left with is guilt. try to leave the past exactly were it is in the past and move forwards with the power of learning from mistakes not carrying them and the guilt around.

I hope you can all relate to your choice id love to hear some feedback publicly or via mail. sprinkles of love & light xxxx