Interactive Reading from
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I am using my Tarot deck, Angel Therapy Oracle deck & Zen Oracle deck.
close your eyes quieten your mind and choose what you are drawn to:
Top - this is from my Zen Oracle Deck.
This card signifies you maybe feeling over whelmed and finding things hard and general life tough stand back take a deep breath, things will get better its not as bad as you think you can do it. Take 1 day at a time.
MIDDLE - this is from my Tarot deck.
This card represents unions these can vary from either romantical, just friendships, work mates, family etc. This card to me tonight is saying that we each need to give & take in all our relationships no matter what they are. We each need to give & receive in return.
BOTTOM - this is from my Angel Therapy Oracle deck.
Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your purpose. Allow him to take your burdens and ease the weight of your baggage.
I hope you can each relate to your choice, id love to hear aome feedback publicly or via mail.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx
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