Sunday, November 29, 2015
Words of Wisdom
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Friday, November 27, 2015
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you open your eyes where do they fall on to the picture?
This card is all about letting go of the fear based energy from you, around you, the people around you and everyone involved.
For some of you, you'll literally have to block people's energy for this Call upon Archangel Michael to shield you from the negative energies that are around you imagine his shield protectively surrounding you.
For others you need to step away from these people who are dragging you down for you to be able to move forward.
This card is about listening to your body all your senses every inch of you. Honour your emotions, whatever your feeling do what you need to do, go out and shout shake it off, take a bath.
Holding in tears can be the worst thing to do let them fall release that tension. Take note of what you're consuming your body is sensitive and too many additives is play havoc with you. Avoid any harsh situations as much as you can if you can't call upon Archangel Michael to shield you from the negative energies that are around imagine his shield protectively surrounding you.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Daily Reading 11-10
Daily card reading.
Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open them which card are you drawn to Left or Right.
For some of you that were drawn to this card your desire is to move forward and leave what has toubled you in the past. When we make peace with the past and accept what was and what is now can we fully move forward learn from the past and avoid repeat mistakes.
For others this card is urging you to find what you truly desire to do find something more meaningful for you and your life. Sometimes we need to look at our surroundings and the people within our circles what can we change to make us happier are you being dragged down by these things break out of the cycle.
When all this happens we begin to grow within ourselves.
The card reads "A desire to move on. The search for something more meaningful. Spiritual and emotional growth".
This card is all about defending your beliefs what you believe in is yours it no one can take that away from you each person has a different view but then again we all walk separate paths side by side so be nice to people even if they disagree with you. Your decisions in the past the present and into the future are yours only you can make decisions for your life from what you can/cant do people can offer guidance and advice but only you can make them. When all is said and down some of you need to stand up for yourselves more and have confidence in what your say and some of you need to choose pick and choose your disagreements just because you feel/know that they're wrong thats their beliefs so be gentle nod and smile.
The card says "Defend your beliefs and decisions. Stand your ground! Choose your battles wisely".
I hope you can relate to your choice.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Monday, November 9, 2015
Daily Interactive Reading 11-09
Daily Interactive Reading.
Which are you more drawn to Gold or Ruby
Sharing is caring.
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes what colour do you see Gold or Ruby?
The card for people who choose Gold is all about getting back to you finding out or figuring out what it is that you as an individual want in life. Yes our plans and life goals can get postponed due to life in general, family, work commitments etc etc but just because the end goal has moved a little it doesn't mean that you cant get to it if you work towards it you will succeed eventually.
This card is all about opening your heart to those around you I'm not saying every person trust your heart, your intuition trust You to move on to the next level. Sometimes because of the past we can lock up our hearts and some people never reopen the door but if it feels right go for it. This isnt all about romance in the relationship sense for some of you it is but for others its friends around you. Trust your judgement.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Daily Reading 11-05
Sharing is caring.

For anyone who was drawn to this the card is all about embracing the changes and embracing the relationships that you are in this can be romantic, platonic, sibling, parents, work etc etc etc Every person has a different story so try not to judge so critically if you get talking to them you may realise youve more in common than you think. Remember your choices and decision today have a knock effect so think things through carefully you may need to re-evaluate one or two things. Call Archangel Gabriel to help with speaking your mind and getting the words right.
This card is all about forgivness this forgiveness is for other people and for yourself. By forgiving an other person doesnt mean youre saying they were right but youre unleshing the power it has over you the dark cloud thats been hanging around will move along. Call Archangel Michael to help you cut the cords with these issues, people, situation after you do his call Archangel Raphael for healing. Theres great sadness around some of you please know that you are not alone ask your friends and family in spirit to guide you to where you need to be and also ask the Angels to help aswell.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Daily Reading 11-04
Which Shape are you being guided towards Circle or Star?
Sharing is caring.
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?
The Circle or The Star.
The Circle~
Ask the Angels to help release any and all toxic energies that you may have absorbed. You may have noticed that youre feeling heavy and have a lack of energy lately. By releases these toxic energies youll notice a change in yourself. Look after yourself youre so busy worrying about everyone else you need to look after yourself aswell or you wont have the energy to help others.
The Star~
This card is about knowing and feeling safe to let yourself shine. Take charge of your life in ways that are positive for you right now and for the future. Its time to leave the past mistakes and hurt behind the angels are helping you do this but ask for their assistance feel their warm love surrounding you. Make peace with the past, learn the lesson and move on knowing you wont fall into that trap again.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
Monday, November 2, 2015
Daily Reading 11-02
The Left card or The Right card

The Left Card is Archangel Raphael this card is all about healing "The Healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work". This can be related to your own thoughts towards yourself, towards others, about the past, one specific person, a group of people etc. Let got of this forgive yourself and others, let Archangel Raphael's powerful green healing light surround you full of healing let the love in and know that you are loved.
The Right Card is about looking within for the answers "Put you entire intention on answering the question How can I make the world a better place? and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs".
This card is about setting your mind your heart your very being into what you want in this life asking for the assistance and guidance of the Angels and spirit along the way. This card is also about taking responsibility of the small changes that you as an individual can do some will say "what difference will it make 1 person not doing x,y&z right now your right nothing but youll inspire someone else to make a change, to do something else and theyll inspire someone ad they will etc etc etc and that will come from you.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx