Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Full Moon December 2016

This full moon is all about Communication talk to people pick up the phone go round for coffee/tea meet up and communicate also it's about being expressive use your voice speak up. This moon brings about change aswell it will carry us into 2017 so keep your mind focused and positive. Communicate  with  love and compassion to others and to yourself.

Remember you communicate non-verbally aswell .....

Write down on a piece of paper all you are thankful for and keep this as a reminder for yourself on the rough days or bury it so it will grow and you will receive plentiful of things to be thankful for.
Don't say I have nothing .... you are thinking materialisticly  dont, be thankful for the air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink, family, friends etc the list is endless. Of corse be thankful for your materials but that is what they are materials things you can live without.

As with every Full Moon it is also a time to release and manifest.
Write down what  you'd like to release burn it and release it into the might air with your full intentions of letting go.

For manifesting again write what you're manifesting down again burn it and release it into the night air with the intentions of the Universe making it all fall into place.

Always give thanks with what every ritual that you do to the Universe to Mother Earth to Father Moon to your Guides to the Angels to whom ever your preferences are.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

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