Wednesday, September 18, 2013


here goes my first interactive reading I would really appreciate feedback.
The Colors are: BLUE, WHITE & PINK sprinkles of love & light xxxx

for those of you who have chosen BLUE this card is to with having a sense of honor, you may feel like people are calling you old fashioned or they are trying to "modernize" your way of thinking but there is nothing wrong with believing in old fashioned views it might be something small like young girls wearing make up & children wearing provocative clothing this is your view and in the society we live in perhaps we need more people with view like this.

for those of you who have chosen WHITE this card is to do with gratitude say thank you for everything you have try to stop looking at what others have and remember what you have not what you don't have. It can be hard start every day with saying think you that you woke up and thank you that youve running water this will go along way & you will see the changes before your eyes. Also this card is hinting at some of you being very self sufficient its ok to ask for help if you need it, swallow your pride and seek help because this will help you in the long run.

for those of you who have chosen PINK your card is all about security & nurturing, the security part is about being comfortable exactly how you are right at this moment youve been through hard times but youve come out the other end a stronger wiser person.
the nurturing part of this message is about nurturing someone or something they need minding as if they were a child, (this can relate to animals too) they need you to "mammy them" just remember to look after yourself you also need to nurture your oneself, your putting yourself last on the to do list and you will hit brick wall.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

I hope you can relate to at least part of the given color youve picked.
Thank you all very much xxxx

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