Daily Interactive Reading.
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and clear your mind for a few seconds/ minutes as you open your eyes look at the picture where do your eyes fall first?
Picture 1, Picture 2 or Picture 3.
Picture 1~
Now is the time to get down to business focus on the task at hand and give it the attention and concentration it needs because you dont want to be kicking yourself afterwards saying if only id gave it my all or more attention etc. Ask for advise from someone who has been in if not the same but similar situations. Use your voice to communicate fully. You've got this.
Picture 2~
As i was shuffling the cards I heard the "happy song" and you know what thats exactly what this card is saying to be happy about everyone and everything in your life gratitude for what we have not the longing for what we dont have, yes we all have problems, issues, situations we dont like etc etc but lets be happy for what we have regardless of what it is. Take the focus of the "wants" and shift it back to the "haves" in life.
Picture 3~
The picture of the road runner and coyote are to me a symbol of not knowing when to stop and try something different, try a different angle, change your approach, change your thought process regarding to the issues, situation, person etc. Sometimes to follow our dreams and get to where we want to be we have to cut our losses and move on by this I mean change our surroundings, stopping contact with people who bring us down, limiting the contact with people etc.
This card is also about empowering ourselves to be strong enough to take the leap of faith across to the path we want to be on.
I hope you can relate to your choice.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx