Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekly Guidance week of 17th October

Weekly Guidance from me to you.

Have your feet flat on the ground close your  take a couple of deep breaths, when you feel ready open your eyes look at the below image which is the first the you're instantly drawn to?

Yes or No

Yes ~ For those of you drawn to this word/picture your card is about rethinking who you're trusting for some of you there's someone not being completely honest with you and their motives not everyone is truly concerned or even bothered by your struggles these people when they leave you feel the life literally being sicker out of you please keep these people at arms length they are the negative energy that needs cutting out of your life. For others this card is about rethinking your decision/choices again don't allow other peoples influences to "rail road" you into something your not 100% certain of step back and look t the bigger picture what do you feel about it all weigh up the pros and cons and go with what you feel is right for you.

No ~ For some of you drawn to this word/picture stop stressing and worrying about the worse scenario the more you ficus on this the more you're telling the universe what you want to happen if you change your thoughts to a more positive twist ie " it's raining out really crappy day say/think least I'm isnide I'm dry or I've an umbrella I'll be ok" a simple tweek of your thoughts is all that's needed. For others you need to use your voice and ask for help in regards certain areas of your life. Things feel unsteady for some of you but trust your on the right path amd things are going to get better yes it's not all plain sailing and yes there's a few bumps in the road but everything will work out the may it's supposed to.

I hope you relate to your choice, I'd love to hear feedback publicly or privately and do please feel free to share on for others.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

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