Saturday, December 31, 2016

Appointments Available

Appointments are available for 2017.

Readings can all be done by phone, on skype, online via messenger, email, 1-1 ( you come to me) I travel to groups (t&cs apply) or any other  way viable to us both.

Contact me here, via or email

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Happy New Year

So today is the final day of 2016 as we look back on the past 365 days try to stop beating yourself up we all have crappy days and situations that 2016 had some more than others, we've lost family members, friends and aquatinces throughout the year.
All in all 2016 has been a year alot of people can't wait to say good bye to but one thing you need to remember is you've made it you're still here.
Write down what you'd like for the coming year and allow the universe, spirit and the angels to assist.
Welcome the new year of 2017 with open arms and with a thankful heart for the opportunities it has to offer.
I wish you all health, wealth, happiness and peace.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, December 30, 2016

Stay true to yourself.

This saying is very appropriate for alot of people for alot of different reasons.

A man who wants to lead the orchestra Must turn his back on the crowd

We all need to and have to at different times and points in our lives turn our back on the crowd, on what no longer serves us, on negativity and what we won't tolerate anymore so we can change, grow, learn and love ourselves.
We need to turn our attention to ourselves what we want what we think what we feel listening to other people's opinions dulls out our own voices lead yourself and be the conductor of your life.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Weekly Interactive Reading 28-12-2016

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn

Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.
When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?

Card 1 or Card 2?


Card 1: From Doreen Virtues Angel Tarot deck, this card is the 9 of Air which in a standard tarot deck symbolises swords this card is all about self fulfilling prophecies, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness this card has reared its head as a sign that whats done is done you cant resay, redo or go back in time and change anything as much as you may want to. Things have a weird way of working out exactly how they are supposed to so dont spend too much time over analysising the past. For others this card is about the deflated feeling after all the festivities you can now sit and breath and its the thought was it all worth it? or all that for a few days..... we all go through that to some degree but perhaps youre also looking at other people and what they have if this is you stop and really ok at what it  is you have it may not be top of the range but its yours. Smile and let the jealousy and the envy slide away its no longer wanted.

Card 2: From  Colette Baron-Reid The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle cards,this card is The Mystery, for some of you its about taking a detour or stopping and taking a good look around what do you want to change? This card is a great signifier that the Universe is working for your greatest good it may feel like youre going backwards instead of forwards but rest assured everything is working to an end goal trust that this is so stop worrying and stressing about thee future because it hasnt happened yet and by placing all of that energy around it is bringing negativity to it. This card is telling you to trust yourself and to know youre on the right path things will fall into place ignore the negative doubting voice and trust your intuition the universe is working in the background. For some i can feel the "i dont know what im at" vibe flow with it trust and stop trying to figure out all the answers you dont need to know how to get their just where youd like to go and itl all slot in together.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas from my home to yours.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Change your thinking.

To step out of old boundaries and to free ourselves from the cages we've enclosed ourselves in we "must learn new way to think" this is a change of prespective change your view on things then and only then "can we master a new way to be".

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Solstice 2016

The Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere is upon us.

Some people people refer to this solstice as the rebirth of the sun which coincidentally concedes with Christmas celebrating the birth of the Son.

Some ancient cultures feared the sun gods wouldn't return so they preformed rituals such as sacrifices. Many other ancient cultures worshipped the Sun Gods and held vigils on the solstice like the picture in this post from New Grange in Co. Meath Ireland. Another popular cultrue that worshipped the Sun Gods were the Egyptians who preformed both sacrifices and vigils as a form of worship.

This special time is about turning inwardly into the darkness trusting your intuition and yourself. Many people use this time for deep meditation to reflect on what has been and what will be.
A great saying ive come to know and use in my work is "its better to light a candle than curse the darkness".  The light which guides you is within its you who possess the switch or the match to light it.

A great ritual to perform is that of letting go writing down anything you want to let go of and burning it in a fire, and as you watch it burn welcome all the newness the next chapter holds. Do this with gratitude for the Sun has been reborn and the light will shie brightly to guide you.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, December 19, 2016

Weekly Guidance 19-12-2016

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn
Remember Sharing is Caring xxxx
Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.
When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?

Star A, Star B or Star C?

Star A: This image for the most of you will be about weighing up your decisions and choices some of you may understand straight of what this is referring to but for others its about consciously weighing up your words were in the mists of the festivities and with stress and family members you may slowly be simmering away breath take a time out remove yourself for the person(s) and situation for others who are "last word" people is it going to be worth it? yes for you in some ways you'll feel like the cat that got the cream but think of the ripple affect in some cases you're just as guilty as the person(s) who started it... Also with this card alot of you need to really rest give time some time impatience is brewing up a storm.... but the Universe works behind the scenes set your intentions and keep your thoughts positive. Call upon Archangel Raphael for healing imagine his cloak of green surrounding you and welcome that unconditional love and healing.

Star B: For some of you drawn to this image things are moving along nicely i do feel some of you may have gallop through a few hurdles and things arent yet resolved for these people slow down and re-evaluate what it is you want yes some opportunities have slipped away but that doesn't mean that they wont present themselves again in the future at a later stage dont worry things will work out how theyre supposed to. For others will you lighten up the self discipline is brilliant youre doing a great job but life is for living the structured routines and beating yourself up is really harmful n th long run. Look in the mirror and tell your beautiful self that you love you and you forgive you and that youve got your back. Call upon Archangel Chamuel to surrounding you with her pink rays for self love and love when you feel overly self critical and bullyish with yourself imagine her pouring pink water all over and around you and breath through it.

Star C: For those of you guided to this card will you sit down and take a moment to yourself. I feel like alot of you are running and rushing around like headless chickens and are getting nothing down really fast im exhausted even typing this so i can only imagine how you feel. Speak up ask for help delegate what it is yo need use your voice. I feel that for a chunk of you life is totally out of balance and you cant see the tress through the forest stop close your eyes deep breath in deep breath out repeat for up to 13 breaths this is to help centre yourself and to help de-stress repeat this as many times as needed. Some of you need to really get organised i mean properly with a list and make a plan of action again ask for help youre not super man/girl youre human and we all need some help from time to time. Call upon Archangel Michael to protect you and to guide you through the stressful days.

I hope you can relate to your choice. Id love to hear feedback publicly or privately.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Full Moon December 2016

This full moon is all about Communication talk to people pick up the phone go round for coffee/tea meet up and communicate also it's about being expressive use your voice speak up. This moon brings about change aswell it will carry us into 2017 so keep your mind focused and positive. Communicate  with  love and compassion to others and to yourself.

Remember you communicate non-verbally aswell .....

Write down on a piece of paper all you are thankful for and keep this as a reminder for yourself on the rough days or bury it so it will grow and you will receive plentiful of things to be thankful for.
Don't say I have nothing .... you are thinking materialisticly  dont, be thankful for the air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink, family, friends etc the list is endless. Of corse be thankful for your materials but that is what they are materials things you can live without.

As with every Full Moon it is also a time to release and manifest.
Write down what  you'd like to release burn it and release it into the might air with your full intentions of letting go.

For manifesting again write what you're manifesting down again burn it and release it into the night air with the intentions of the Universe making it all fall into place.

Always give thanks with what every ritual that you do to the Universe to Mother Earth to Father Moon to your Guides to the Angels to whom ever your preferences are.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, December 12, 2016

Weekly Guidance 12-12-2016

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn

Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.
When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?
                               Light Off or Light On?


Light Off: For some of you this card signifies all the hard ships, all the baggage all the crap that we carry around with us and daily we add to it with different stresses and worry's then these turn into big huge things swimming around in our heads. When we cross the road we "Stop, Look & Listen" so you need to Stop stressing about the tomorrows do what you can and Stop beating yourself up for the can-nots, Look at your life is it really that bad? if it is change it, if its not change your view on it and Listen to you sometimes its other peoples opinions and ideals we have swimming round "oh Joan is great at everything she does (insert list here)" STOP STOP STOP Joan is marvelous!!! but look at everything that you do stop standing and staring at other people do what is good and right for you.
For others the above applies but also stop being the martyr putting yourself last and knowingly doing it repeatedly and then be annoyed because its happened again dont put yourself in that situation use your voice.

Light On: This card is for you all, some of you are searching and looking for signs from your loved ones and friends in the Spirit realm this is it they have come to collective say stop over thinking i am by your side some are asking  please talk to me others are shouting ask for my help and i will guide you through while others are simply smiling knowing that we humans have all these other preoccupations but none the less they still stand by your side wanting you to know that this to shall pass that in a few years you will look back and think i  made it through they collectively want to give you each a sign for some it will be big no doubt in your mind for others therell be doubts but who is the first person you think of and it will be from them. For some of you reading this, this is your sign youve asked for acknowledgement of someones presence and here it is.

Signs from the Spirit world ~ pennys/cents coins randomly found, feathers, robins but also birds that may have a significance to you or your loved one, repetitive numbers and numbers in squecence, songs these can be heard on the radio on tv in adverts films tv shows etc, a distinctive smell that is either of the person or that you associate with them, lights flickering  the list is endless.

I hope you can relate to you choice, id love to hear feedback publicly or privatey.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx 

Christmas Gifts

Stuck on a present or gift for a loved one or friend?

Why not purchase them a reading from communication with a loved one to finding out what 2017 has in store.

Contact me here or via to purchase a reading.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

A Monday boost.

Just a little Monday reminder to you all. You are amazing no matter what you think others think, you need to believe in yourself.

Wishing you all a good day & a good week.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, December 9, 2016

Interactive Reading 9-12-2016

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn

Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.
When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?

                                                  A, B or C?

Image A: For some of you guided to this image its about keeping up a front of some kind whether it be financial security or keeping your emotions in order for want of another description, however no matter what it is that you're showing to the outside world its fake and you need to enter into the land of realism. Society makes us all feel insignificant at times but its up to us as individuals to be ok with who we are, with what we have and know that you are good enough that you are enough without all the frills and dramas that go along with it. For others this card is in some respects the same but i feel its more about fiances i know we are all in similar boats across the world at this time of the year especially but is it needed? Give without constantly thinking i didnt pay enough donate money to a charity do your part and dont feel ashamed about it. Emotional speaking speak with confidence ask for help dont assume people know you need it..... let go of all the pent up emotions and allow yourself that freedom as a gift to yourself.

Image B: As with the image this card is about the freedom of opening up the cage door, taking a jump and trusting that your wings will allow you to flap (metaphorically of course). Some of you really do need to loosen up a bit and feel the freedom of letting go of opening the cage and drinking in the air thats all around, loosen up the reigns and try not to control everything so tightly all the time. For others this card is about reaching out and using your voice ask for help and assistance but tell them what it is you need lower the walls around you so you to can soar into the sky. Believe in yourself you can do it stop stopping yourself from getting to where you want to be.

Image C: For some of you this image is all about releasing what we no longer need so a "spring clean" of sorts removing all the things around us that are holding us back and not only cluttering our psychical space but also our minds, this will include toxic people that we have in our lives you may not be able to remove them all for different reasons but you need to step to the side and avoid their presence and if you are within their company image a big iron safe door protecting  you. For others this card is about emotions as with this image the swan wasnt always a beauty being it came into this world looking a "little different" but we are all different we al are beautiful if we look past the outer skins we are all as beautiful as swan never forget that. The people you want in your life are the ones who dont care what you drive, what you look like, what brand of make up you use etc. they see the real you. However we can all say this an people may or may not believe us but its our inner voices who do the most damage be nicer to yourself, be kinder, tell that irritating voice to sod off you are good enough you are enough you are beautiful and you are you theres to may wannabes out there so be you.

I hope you can relate id love to hear feedback publicly or privately.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx


"You are Confined only by the Walls you build yourself". If you can't bull dozer the walls down get a ladder to conquer them if you're afraid of heights dig tunnels under them for looking at a wall isn't going to accomplish anything but heart and soul ache bitterness and anger towards the man made wall, towards yourself and it will project into all areas of you life.
~ words and pearls of Wisdom from Magnus.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, December 4, 2016


I had an amazing reading yesterday afternoon and we spoke of signs of our loved ones and spirit. This morning I was on my personal f.b profile and on the time hop a picture came up of a pigeon ..... so here's my personal sign from 4 years ago that I didn't see although it was there right in front of me and I've got it on camera.

4 years ago I was admitted into hospital for an ongoing illness I have.

A pigeon used to sit on the windowsill everyday nearly all day I was there I didn't feed it as tbh it scared me (he was huge) but it came up on my time hop so I googled it's meaning and reading this I was transported back to the sheer stubbornness of shuffling up and down the halls so I'd get home to my family.

Spiritual meaning of The Pigeon:

"The pigeon is a determined creature. It will stay in an area as long as there is food, despite attempts by humans or other birds to chase it away. The pigeon sighting can encourage you to be stubborn and hang in there, regardless of what challenges are thrown in your path."

There are signs everywhere we just need to be open to them.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Have a great day.

Good morning to you all, you beautiful Souls I hope you all have a good day.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, December 2, 2016

Fiver Friday Fever

Today is  #friverfriday which means for €, £ or $ 5 you get to ask 5 questions.

Payment is by paypal you dont have to have an account with them just click no account or I can send you a payment request or go to and just add the amount.

Sprinkles of love & life xxxx

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Welcome December de

Welcome December I wish you all well for this coming month the final chapter of 2016.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx