Last night as I was between worlds of being asleep and awake I looked at the time and as I did I was wide eyed being told to look and I screen shot it all the numbers apart from my network which is in the top left hand corner are divisibleby 3 you've to add the time together but it's all the power of three.
Here's the picture and then I'll go through the numbers.
Number 3- The ascended masters are close and responding to your thoughts.
(Number 1 is to signify we're all one and associated and interlinked focus on your desires rather than your fears. Number 2 is here to remind you to have faith and courage trust the angels and the universe is working behind the scenes).
Number 69- this number is all about balance yin and yang the numbers slot in together bringing wholeness and balance. Balance yourself by spending time and energy on whats really important. Be true to yourself completely you're on the right path.
(Number 6 this number relates to materials eg. things, possessions. Balance your thoughts and worries and stay focused on your path and the task at hand. Number 9 is about sharing your natural talents and interests with the wider community)
Finally number 48- this number relates to abundance know that money is coming to you so don't worry and stress about your finances.
(Number 4 this number is to tell you the angels are close and they're here to guide you. Number 8 is the number of abundance finances will be ok stay positive and remain balanced.)
If you add the 6+9 together it's 15 then add 1+5 you get 6 written above.
If you add the 4+8 together you get 12 then add the 1+2 you get 3 written above.
If you go deeper add the time together completely 1+2+2+1 is 6 written above.
Numbers are all around and so are the signs be open to receiving them and you'll see them everywhere.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx