Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Weekly Interactive Reading

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn

Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open your eyes which piece of cutlery are you guided to 1, 2 or 3??
(1 is a knife, 2 is a fork and 3 is a spoon).

Don't forget sharing is caring.

Id love to hear feedback publicly or via privately.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, January 28, 2017

New Moon

New Moon today.

As with every New Moon it's a reflective time on the cycle that's been and the cycle that's to come.
Always give thanks to the Universe for the magic she creates.

As the sky darkens on this night know that you are never alone and feel the power of Spirit and the Angels wrapping themselves around you.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Weekly Guidance 24/01/2017

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn

Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open your eyes which fruit are you guided to
A or B?

       ****** REVEAL *******


Don't forget sharing is caring.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017


Happiness is like a Butterfly,
the more you chase after it the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other areas ......
It will come and sit softly on your shoulder.

Happiness isn't a possession you hold in your hand, happiness is an never-ending flow made by you in your own heart and being.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, January 16, 2017

Half Price Reading

Half Price purchase the Calendar Spread for €15  normally €30

Or the equivalent in your currency (I can let you know the conversion)

Payments via paypal or postal order


Click on this link or I can email you a payment request.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Interactive Reading week of the 16-01-2017

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn
Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open your eyes which bird are you guided to
A or B?

Bird A~ For some of you guided to this image your message is about spending time with your nearest and dearest stop getting dragged away by the huslte and buslte and make the time to spend some time youll be kicking yourself down the line if you dont make the time ad the effort now. For others this brings with it news thats things are going to work out but theres a few delays but dont throw in the towel just yet. Call upon Archangel Chamuel to wrap her pink rays of love around you and your loved ones.

Bird B~ For some of you this card signifys that things are moving forward even if its at a slower pace than youd like it almost feels like its the "famine before the feast" get yourself ready and organise because its going to be busy in the coming weeks for some and months for others. For others things card is coming to you to tell that things always fall into place how they are supposed to roll with it and learn from it all also read more this can be a sign to get back to education or to simple take a time out. Call upon Archangel Michael to protect you as you move forward on your journey.

I hope you can relate to your choice id love to hear feedback publicly or privately.
Don't forget sharing is caring.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

A new Day

Wishing all you beautiful souls a good day ahead and a good week from +Psychic Medium Dawn ​

sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday blessing

Wishing you all a Happy, Peaceful & Safe day ahead.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Weekly Guidance 11-1-2017

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn.

Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open your eyes which cup are you guided to
A, B or C?

Cup A: For some of you this week ahead is all about setting your intentions and setting the course for the rest of the year deciding on things but not writing them in stone because i do feel some of you are acting quite hastily .... dont let your heart to stone because of 1 or 2 people be strong be brave and roll with the punches for others this week is it stop lying to yourself and pulling the wool over your eyes sometimes it is what it is and in time it may be different listen to your heart and love yourself with you whole heart.

Cup B: For some of you this card is about just feeling a little lost or unsure of what the heck is going on dont be alarmed its a full moon week and it can really take effect on our emotions you will get through this take a deep breath and count to 10 (100 if need be). For others this feeling of being lost is going to make you realise what it is you want in life so embrace the uncertainty.

Cup C: For some you guided to this image its time to heal the past for some this will mean closing or slamming the door and moving on to bigger and better things. For others the door will always remain ajar for some reason but when its meant to close fully it will naturally. Move forwards and when the time is right the universe will not lead you astray.

Don't forget sharing is caring.I hope you can relate to your choice I'd love to hear feedback publicly or privately.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, January 9, 2017

Let Sh*t go.

Sometimes we just have to let sh*t go it's not out of badness or nastiness but for self preservation and for self healing the longer you hold on to the what ifs, the maybes, the regrets of yesterday the further away you are from having inner utopia. The blocks we place on ourselves is deathment to our happiness and our lives it will chip away at everything because we'll still be focused on the sh*t.
Take a deep breath and image it going slowly slipping away call upon Archangel Michael to cut the negative cords that are holding you back and imagine his sword cutting through that rope like butter after this call upon Archangel Raphael to  help heal your wounds imagine his green lights surrounding you and a beautiful green blanket wrapping itself around you as you become whole again call upon Archangel Chamuel to send her pink rays of love to the past and shower you in pink rays of love and light.

This can be done as many times as you need it healing takes time so take the time have have some patience with yourself.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Wishing all of you beautiful Souls a Happy Saturday.

Love, Live, Laugh in no particular  order.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, January 6, 2017

What does your future hold?

What does your future hold???
Book your appointment today with Psychic Medium Dawn.

Appointments are available for 2017.

Book an appointment and find out what the year has in store for you?
Have your questions answered for 2017.

Find out about all areas of your life love life, health, wealth and everything in between.

Readings are done by a range of possibilities by phone (you call me), Skype, email, fb messenger, and any other way viable to us both.

I do face to face readings (you come to me).
I am available to travel to groups throughout Ireland  (t&cs apply).

Contact me here,
Wesite: www.dawnstarot.com
email: dawnstarot@gmail.com

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, January 5, 2017

You are Amazing

I want you all to look in the mirror and say out loud or to yourself "I am amazing" because I believe that "You are Amazing" don't ever forget it you are good enough you are special and you are loved more than you know.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A quick meditation.

This is a very simple quick and effective way to meditate and let go of any lingering energies from people amd places youve been. It's also great for letting go of what you no longer need or doesn't serve you or your higher self.

I hope you find it as effective as I do.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Synchronised Numbers

Last night as I was between worlds of being asleep and awake I looked at the time and as I did I was wide eyed being told to look and I screen shot it all the numbers apart from my network which is in the top left hand corner are divisibleby 3 you've to add the time together but it's all the power of three.
Here's the picture and then I'll go through the numbers.

Number 3- The ascended masters are close and responding to your thoughts.

(Number 1 is to signify we're all one and associated and interlinked focus on your desires rather than your fears. Number 2 is here to remind you to have faith and courage trust the angels and the universe is working behind the scenes).

Number 69- this number is all about balance yin and yang the numbers slot in together bringing wholeness and balance. Balance yourself by spending time and energy on whats really important. Be true to yourself completely you're on the right path.

(Number 6 this number relates to materials eg. things,  possessions. Balance  your thoughts and worries and stay focused  on your path and the task at hand. Number 9 is about sharing your natural talents and interests with the wider community)

Finally number 48- this number relates to abundance know that money is coming to you so don't worry and stress about your finances.

(Number 4 this number is to tell you the angels are close and they're here to guide you. Number 8 is the number of abundance finances will be ok stay positive and remain balanced.)

If you add the 6+9 together it's 15 then add 1+5 you get 6 written above.

If you add the 4+8 together you get 12 then add the 1+2 you get 3 written above.

If you go deeper add the time together completely 1+2+2+1 is 6 written above.

Numbers are all around and so are the signs be open to receiving them and you'll see them everywhere.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, January 2, 2017

Interactive Reading 2-1-2017.

Weekly Interactive Reading from +Psychic Medium Dawn

Close your eyes take a deep breath and as you open your eyes which pepper are you guided to 1, 2 or 3?

Stone 1: For some of you guided to this image you need to spend more time with yourself and allow yourself to be more free you feel very bogged down with the stress and worries of life take a five minute time out just for you and push aside ll the dramas, the stress the worries and make a reasonable plan of action to move forward baby steps everything will work out enjoy your life in the present moment. For other people it is similar to enjoy life in the present moment but also to keep working towards the end goal you know what you have to do so go for it. Call upon Archangel Michael for protection and know he will stand by your side continuously and not leave your side.

Stone 2: For some of you its time to clear away the cob webs other peoples opinions and look at things for what they are not what others are telling you they are, for some people this is something that youll already know but to get change you have to do something youve never done before be more flexible but still be strong and this goes with alot of you dont beat yourself up over something deal with it somethings arent meant to be but others are and the universe will lead you to where youre meant to be trust yourself. Call upon Archangel Chamuel for divine and unconditional love for yourself and others.

Stone 3: For some of you guided to this stone things are going to continue on a positive path but you must maintain a positive mindset. Some of you are going through some emotional and material stresses but things are going to settle down and you need to speak your mind be compassionate and true to yourself call upon Archangel Gabriel to assist with communication.

I hope you can all relate to your choice and id love to hear feedback publicly or privately.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, January 1, 2017