Close your eyes take a few deep breaths and as you open your eyes what door are you drawn to?
You can be drawn to more than one.
Door 1:
This card is about being stagnate and feeling like things are never ending its the same thing day in day out ..... break the routine jazz it up a little yes we all have to do the daily "rituals" work, school runs, family, life in general etc etc but try to free your mind make it more about the fun aspect skip to school with kids, smile in work, when your driving in traffic or not crank the radio up sing really loud stop worrying about what others think what matters is your mind and how you think.
Door 2:
Take today regardless of your activity to remember to breath, we can get lost in our worlds and be focused on things that are really just a ripple affect from others so today instead of retaliating breath count to 5 (in your head) but hold your tongue you then wont feel guilty about what you've said and you'll feel better for it.
Door 3:
This card is very positive its all about making changes today for the future benefits. Start manifesting what you want in life eg a move start picturing in your minds eye what it is you'd like and picture it everyday you will still need to work towards this goal saving for deposit, looking around at rentals etc but keep the dream real and alive in your minds eye.
I hope you can relate to your chosen Door
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
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