Saturday Daily card:
This card is all about recovering whether it be the after effects of an event or recovering from the changes that have happened are happening right now or the continual changes that life is throwing your way.
Shake your arms, Stretch up to the sky reach up to the heavens and ask for the strength to continue repeat this as often as you need to, give that self doubt, the denial and the negative over to the angels and they will replace it with the strength to continue on your journey.
For some of you; you need to pat yourselves on the back you've made it through you mightn't be quite at the finish line but your on the home stretch keep going.
The Changes that have happened and that are happening may seem like mountains put purely in your way but you've two choices give up or push forward.
I hope you can relate to this card and its meaning in some way.
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx
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