Tarot-Scopes for October
Libra 23-09 to 22-10
Breath theres alot happening all t the one time for you this month but concentrate on one thing at a time dont just do all at the same time because youll be annoyed with yourself when its done half halfheartedly.
Theres news all around you things that have been a little stagnate will feel lifted and refreshed.
Sometimes we need to double look at the possibilities and turn a negative into a positive by thinking of the bigger picture and thinking long term. Stay focused on what it is you're aiming for.
Scorpio 23-10 to 21-11
It looks like the waiting is over news is on its way this can be related to anything you're waiting to hear about doctors, hospitals, house moves, etc etc etc the list goes on. But keep yourself as central and grounded as possible one step at a time.
Judge not until you know the full story and not just the gossip from down the town, be careful with your sharp tongue and words this month as it could land you in hot water.
Take a closer look at whats happening around you learn from another persons mistakes but help them up if they've slipped.
Sagittarius 22-11 to 21-12
Newness is around you and is falling like a fog keep the bigger picture in your had and g with the flow learn from the twists and turns from the past help this guide you forward. The newness may be related to a new job, career, partner, new lease of life, new ideas etc if it feels right go with it.
Stop standing in your own way pulling the handbrake when you fear you may get to where you want to be is really hurting you and the people who are pushing you forward. Believe in yourself you cn do this you are the one holding the keys to your success.
For some of you this month is an emotional one full of twists and turns and you need to see the positive within all the negative the light at the end of the tunnel, you arent alone never feel like you are and if you do and are feeling like that seek some personal and or professional advise.
Capricorn 22-12 to 19-01
Stop being so hard on yourself you are doing the best you can with what you have breath and refocus with fresh eyes. Having our eyes in one basket is a sign of a) confidence n what we are doing but also b) silliness always always keep something aside for the pop up nasty`s we all have them and it pushes us back to the starting post. When this happens you need to start over but learn from the previous mistakes.
For some of you Im senseing a "what if" vibe what if I did get that job or what if I did travel or what if we do move.... look into whatever it is youre what if-ing about look at the pros & cons and decide what to do.
Be happy with everything you have dont focus on the things you dont.
Aquarius 20-01 to 18-02
Some of you need to remove the blinkers and take a look around at whats happening and whos doing what some people arent being as truthful as you first thought. Dont be fighting with yourself because you believed what you were told but always following your intuition/gut feel about situations and people.
Theres a few delays holding things up but sit tight you will get there and you will hear whats going to happen next soon.
Pisces 19-02 to 20-03
For some of you the claws are out and the sleeves are up what is fighting going to get you?? a black eye a heavy heart and angry at yourself and others deep breath and walk away because this isnt going to end well. This doesnt and possibly for 99% of you this isnt necessarily fisty cuffs fighting but words hurt and cut alot deeper than we think so please think before you speak.
Everything feels upside down and things just arent going the way they need to one thing at a time prioritize and look after yourself your family then your wider responsibilities remember saying NO is allowed it is in the dictionary.
Aries 21-03 to 19-04
This month is going to be a testing on by this I mean everyone will fell like theyre against you but they are mostly coming from a plce of love and wanting to hep you I feel alot of worry surrounding some of you either youre stressing and worrying or the people closest to you are stressing and worrying about you. Take today to change what needs to be changed.
One day at a time keep going.
Theres a few things that have happened in the past that are weighing heavy on you ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that are pulling you back.
Its the end of a long personal fight either against smeone or something this can also be against yourself. Forgive yourself and others to allow yourself to move forward.
Taurus 20-04 to 20-05
Be careful this month although for you all systems are go but the people closest to you are a little lost and are feeling left behind although youre on the same page you are about to turn the page and theyve just started on the first line.
Dont forget to remember where you come from call your older family members check in on loved ones and know that you are loved.
Looking back on the past can bring up some memories we`d like to forget but that is your history your story and no two stories are the same because of perspective. Although looking back can be beneficial try not to get sucked back into the emotional turmoil that some events can bring up and know that you are you because of it all.
Gemini 21-05 to 20-06
For some of you, you may feel like youve hit a brick wall please dont panic take this next week or 2 to tie up loose ends make sure all the Ts are crossed. For others its time to open the door and take that leap of faith.
Looking back at the past and wanting to re-say something or re-do something cant be done so learn from it learn from the situation and do your best not to repeat the past.
You're Queen/King of your house of your life of you, dont allow others to leave you powerless.
Cancer 21-06 to 22-07
For some of you this is the time to take the plunge of commitment weather it be relationship, career, education etc make that promise that you are going to try your best give it 100%, for others the green eyed monster jealously resentment hate even are really dragging you down stop looking at other peoples haves or have nots and decide to make the changes in your life that will get you to the place you want to be, it wont be easy but you can make these changes one at a time and stick with it.
Money money money in one hand out the other regardless of the amount you receive weekly monthly etc keep some aside so you'll have some "play" money and rainy day money.
Leo 23-07 to 22-08
This month is a tricky one think before you speak think of the ripple effects think of how you`ll feel. Sometimes forgiving others silently in your own soul your own heart can really make a difference because it no longer gives the other person power or control. For others though this month is very much inner healing work look after yourself mind body and spirit. Meditation and yoga are fantastic for this.
Keep your head up and keep moving towards your goals.
Virgo 23-08 to 22-09
breath take the next couple of days to stop look listen to those arnd you and to what it is your body and intuition are saying. You need to trust yourself have faith in yourself and keep your eye on the goal regardless of how far away it is. For some of you this will be harder because you havnt decided n what it is you really want but it will come to you.
Things have slowed down but that doesnt mean they wont happen you need to keep faith that they will.
Changes have been happening mostly for the better but for some youve landed back to square one look at why this happened and change the situations that have brought you back to the start.
Stop beating yourself up you`re doing the best you can so give yourself a pat on the back.
I hope you can all relate to your tarot-scopes.
sprinkles of love & light xxxx