Friday, October 2, 2015

Daily Interactive Reading.

Close your eyes take a deep breath and when you feel ready open your eyes and go to the window you're guided to.

The windows are marked A,B,C.

Window A:
Why are you being so hard on yourself you are doing the best that you can do so keep going, its ok to glance back over your shoulder at the past but don't get back sucked in.
Confidently accepted opportunities it doesn't matter if you sink, swim or soar what matters is you took that chance and tried. Learn from it all for your next move. Things are looking up just tilt your head and look at a different angle.

Window B:
Slow down or your bubble will burst and you'll be sitting on the floor, Ask for help and accept the help that's being offered you need to use your voice but in a respectful way i.e shouting louder doesn't make people listen..... (try to) keep it col calm and collected. Get some balance back it cant all be work work work you need to go and laugh and have some fun.

Window C:
Listen to what your intuition is telling you make fair decisions, discussions need to happen and a plan of action needs to be in place. Do what you feel is best for you in your given situation no two situations are the same so advise from friends family etc mightn't be making you feel "yes that's it" so what would you say to yourself?? There is your answer!!!

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

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