Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween blessings.

Oíche Shamhna Shona beannacht a thabhairt duit go léir tú daoine go hálainn.

Happy Halloween blessing to you all you beautiful people.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Autumn has ended and we have entered into the long Winter slog.

But before we go into the night for our slumber we celebrate the birth, death and renewal of our lives and we rejoice and acknowledge our ancestors. This ritual is powerful and one that has an incredible impact with a deeper and more understanding of what life and death are.

Happy Samhain to you all.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, October 28, 2016


When we're so focused on what we want and we stand with blinkers on its hard to see the bigger picture and the ripple affect it has upon the wider barriers of our lives. Impatience sets in because we've created dead lines that for some are "out" from the get go, be realistic and fair with yourself you can keep the momentum going if you do what you can with what you have.

Take a deep breath and have patience the Universe is working with all the factors and things will work out how theyre supposed to.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Weekly Guidance 24-10-16

Weekly Guidance

Place your feet flat on the ground take a few deep breaths and as you open your eyes which image do they fall upon...... 1, 2 or 3 ????

Image 1~ For some of you guided to this image its all about letting go letting things fall into place naturally some of you I feel have tendancies to "micro-mange" situations take a deep breath and let things happen. For others you need to lossen the regins because youre stopping other things from happening stop being so hard on your self if youre doing the best you can with what you have what else do you expect yourself to do? Be gentle on yourself because you are self sabotage mode it might not be on a massive scale but its having a ripple effect to all areas of your life.
Theres a few of you i feel waiting for something ..... pick up the phone ask the questions because youre adding to your stress pile by imaging the different reasons.

Image 2~ For some of you guided to thi image it about the calm before the storm, things may feel stagnante right now but they wont always be like this as the saying goes "its a feast or a famine" make sure during the "feast" times you are using your time wisely and not neglecting other areas of your life, during the "famine" times stop being so negative you know the patteren so stop giving out this card sybolises the changes that are needed in your life and this whole fest/famine some of you have going on is a massive headache so grab the bull by the horns and get on with things. For others you need to believe in yourself more you cant take a step frward if you dont believe in yoursefl and belive that you deserve better some door need to be closed for you to be able to move forward or youll miss the oppourtunities right infront of you.

Image 3~ For some of you guided to this image its all about going forward closing doors behind you leaving the past in the past shaking all the negative cords that have becoe attached to you and letting it all go things are slowly movng forward and everything will fall into place in time stop forcing things keep going with belief and trust that everything will work out how theyre supposed to. For others things are coming together nicelt and its all great just remember to keep on top of everyhting dont let things get built up, back logged, out of hand or whatever else because youll find yourself back at square one.

Please feel free to leae a comment and do share on for others.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Slow down

Slow down stop doing the count downs, make every day count or you'll miss the moments that make each day extraordinaryand magical.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, October 21, 2016


Find something good in every day and in every situation you encounter smile and be happy spread the happiness.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mid week Guidance 20-10

Mid week guidance.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and as you open your eyes which crystal are you guided to A or B?

A~ For those of you who were guided to this image your card for some of you you need to quieten your mind and rest theres so much going on i feel like im in a tornado and the only way this will stop is if you face things with love & compassion but also ask for some help with the difficulties and the situations that youre in. For others I feel very very "run down" and feel ultimately out of balance and generally "off" you need to look after yourself properly youre doing so much for others youve forgotten about your own well being. Youd feel so much better with some more fresh air and some general "me" time meditation would really help. Most of you feel like yes" people NO is a valid answer no explanation stand up for yourselves more sometimes its necessary to walk away for your own self preservation. Clear your space of any and all things that you no longer need/use open the windows and doors and allow the crisp autumn air (or spring if youre in the southern hemisphere) i to clear the energy around you. Take a deep breath and do your best thats all that you can do.

B~ For some of you guided to this image your card is saying that things are going to speed up whether you like it or not some of you are welcoming the changes and are easily going with the flow however some of you are trying to hide or stop the inevitable .... things will be ok but stop micro managing take a deep breath and take it one day at a time. For others however your flying round wanting all this change and making choices and decisions "willy nilly" stop and really consider what you want think outside the box be objective throw away the blinkers and look at situations for what they are and also look at what their motives are. Stay true to yourself treat every person with compassion. Some of you need to think before you speak and be more gentle with what and how youre saying things.

I hope you can relate to the image you were guided to. Please feel free to leave any feedback and share on for others.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Be Happy

To be fully happy and content we all have to find the good in every situation the "silver lining" even if it something small hold on to it. It's that little piece of hope that spurs you on the little gem stone that drives you forward it doesn't matter if you sprinting to the end zone or crawling the only thing that matters is that you are doing it and you will get there it mightnt be today or tomorrow but you will, Rome wasn't built in a day. For every bump on the road for every wall or closed door you meet you will appreciate it all the more as you glimpse in the rear view mirror and whisper to yourself 'Ive got this'.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekly Guidance week of 17th October

Weekly Guidance from me to you.

Have your feet flat on the ground close your  take a couple of deep breaths, when you feel ready open your eyes look at the below image which is the first the you're instantly drawn to?

Yes or No

Yes ~ For those of you drawn to this word/picture your card is about rethinking who you're trusting for some of you there's someone not being completely honest with you and their motives not everyone is truly concerned or even bothered by your struggles these people when they leave you feel the life literally being sicker out of you please keep these people at arms length they are the negative energy that needs cutting out of your life. For others this card is about rethinking your decision/choices again don't allow other peoples influences to "rail road" you into something your not 100% certain of step back and look t the bigger picture what do you feel about it all weigh up the pros and cons and go with what you feel is right for you.

No ~ For some of you drawn to this word/picture stop stressing and worrying about the worse scenario the more you ficus on this the more you're telling the universe what you want to happen if you change your thoughts to a more positive twist ie " it's raining out really crappy day say/think least I'm isnide I'm dry or I've an umbrella I'll be ok" a simple tweek of your thoughts is all that's needed. For others you need to use your voice and ask for help in regards certain areas of your life. Things feel unsteady for some of you but trust your on the right path amd things are going to get better yes it's not all plain sailing and yes there's a few bumps in the road but everything will work out the may it's supposed to.

I hope you relate to your choice, I'd love to hear feedback publicly or privately and do please feel free to share on for others.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Good Vibes

Wishing you all good vibes for the week ahead.
Every morning with your feet flat on the ground or how yoyre comfortable take a big deep breath and tell yourself "I've got this" tackle everything with compassion in your heart.
Pass on the Good Vibes to everyone and for those who aren't on the "good vibe train" imagine a shower of glitter vibes surrounding them. Remember don't allow other people's vibes to taint yours.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Be free.

Good Morning to you all beautiful souls. For this day and everyday to come "dance like nobody is watching because it's good for your heart and soul".
It's liberating and it does and it will just allow you to not get caught up in the stress and worry of what  "society" thinks it gives you a freedom of unique and the highest proportions.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, October 14, 2016

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is good for the Soul good for stress, anxiety its amazing for the whole body it also helps to ease pain. When you meditate your thoughts become more accessible youre able to sort through your thoughts one at a time. Meditation helps improve our energy levels to become more intune with our whole selves and then you become more aware that it's ok to sit and relax and rest your whole being so there for you have more energy. Meditation will and does help with the healing process yes it won't be easy but if you embrace it for what it is you will go far.

We've all heard "the answer lies within" with meditation you will find an abundance of guidance and help on you journey through this life. Meditation is part of the "inner" journey.

Meditation bring your mind, body and spirit into one whole self it will help you become more aware of yourself and in turn of other people.

***** I love meditation ******

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Good morning to you all you beautiful Souls how are you? I done a short video meaning of a card that I was guided to do this morning.
Hope you can relate.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx


Desiderata - Words for Life

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Be proud of yourself

I want you all to be proud of yourselves breath in all the love and light being offered to you and breath it in, right down to your toes open your arms and be willing to accept it.
As you do this image pink and white rays of light all around you providing you with this infinitive source of love as you breath in you must exhale and banish that voice in your mind the voice of fear of failure fear of success fear of tomorrow fear of the future clear all the fear, breath out all of these negative and pessimistic thoughts and issues take them out in a black bag to the bin and throw them away.

The Archangel that will be present is Archangel Chamuel you will feel her powerful pink rays and their warmth surround you.

Take one day at a time and deal will all lives challenges with love, light and compassion.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Weekly Guidance 10th October

Weekly Guidance from me to you.
Have your feet flat on the ground close your take a couple of deep breaths, when you feel ready open your eyes look at the below image which is the first the you're instantly drawn to?
A, B, C or D please do leave your choice below and share on for others.

A~ For those of you guided to this image you need to get some balance into your lives, it feels like some of you are attempting to do everything all in one go but it feels like the longer you continue to chase your tail the less youll accomplish. Take a deep breath and tackle one thing at a time if this doesnt feel possible prehaps you need be a bit more conscious of time management allocate time to do tasks, spend time with family/friends etc but more importantly remember to look after yourself in the process. Some of you however need to stop procrastinating and "freaking" out about what needs to be done. One thing at a time and youll get it all done. On the most part for you all id suggest getting out into the Autumn air and defog your brains or try yoga and meditation to centre and ground yourselves. Youve got this.
B~ For those of you drawn to this image your message is that you need reconsider your choices ask the questions find out the real answers yes some of you will remain with your choices but for some of you by reconsidering youll feel alot calmer about the next steps. A few of you need to really shut out a few people around you not everyone has your best interests in their hearts some people prefer keeping you as you are because it suits them, theyre afraid youll do better alot of jealousy is hanging around sweep it out the door see past this all. Be objective and learn everything you can about the situation, about the people and follow your intuition. Quieten your mind mediate and figure out what it is that you want? when you do this youll be ready and able to move forward.

C~  For those of you drawn to this image your message is all about doing what you know is right even if youre standing alone. It may feel like youre constantly fighting against a brick wall. Stop stopping yourself i feel like some of you are on a self sabotage spree undoing all your work. Dont rip yourself apart because of other people an their own issues. You have to stand up for yourself more use your voice and say whats on your mind but do it from a place of love dont do it out of spite. Be fair to yourself and others.

D~ For those of you drawn to this image your message is a message of congratulations and a huge pat n the back youve come s far dont give up now for some of you this is a sign to keep going your on the right path you may feel tired and at times it may feel impossible but keep your eye on the prize have some patience the universe is working along side you. For others the end is within reach and you just need to take the final hurdle with as much passion as you had at the beginning. Im being told that a few of you paperwork is on it way make sure all the "i's are dotted and t's crossed". Youve got this.

I hope you can relate to your image and thank you for participating. Id love to hear feedback publicly or privately and do feel free to share this along for others.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Positive thoughts.

Keep your thoughts focused on what you want not on what you don't.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

#abundance #thoughts #goodthoughts #focus #intention #energy #flowingenergy #positivevibesonly #positivemind #positivity #psychicmedium #tarotcards #angelcards #spiritlife #thefuture #questionsanswered

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Psychic Medium Appointments

Appointments available readings  can be done by  phone, on skype, online via messenger, email, 1-1 ( you come to me) I travel to groups across Ireland (t&cs apply) or any other  way viable to us both.

Contact me here or via

Good Morning

Good morning to you all beautiful souls. I wish you all a great day.
Take a deep breath in and exhale out you've got this.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Signs through numbers.

Signs are everywhere repetitive numbers are great subtle signs from our Angels & our Guides.

I've been seeing "88" everywhere even to the point I recheck the time because I see it and that's not technically possible. .... 88 means "Great abundance is yours.  Prosperity is flowing to you in ever increasing amounts. Feel grateful, and be sure to pass along the flow to others as you feel guided". 12 means "Have faith that Spirit is speaking to you through repetitive thoughts, ideas and insights that guide you to improve something in your life or the life if others. Allow your positive affirmations to lead the way.

21 means "Keep the faith and stay positive. Allow your affirmations to support you". I love how we receive signs and how it makes sense prehaps not literally or how you feel it should but in other ways it makes sense.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Be Grateful.

Be grateful for everything that you are, that you have and that you will have. If you can't see anything look in the mirror you are here feel your pulse take a deep breath and let go you have the power and control of your own mind no one can take that away.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

You are a "Wonder of the World".

The seven wonders of the world:

1-To See
2- To Hear
3- To Touch
4- To Taste
5- To Feel
6- To Laugh
7- To Love

How blessed and lucky are we to be able to have these senses and we truly are amazing with each of us being a true wonder of the world. Never forget that. Let your divine light shine and eliminate the path on your journey and brighten the path of another.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Find your peace.

It's important to find peace and tranquility everyday even just 5 minutes so you can gather your thoughts take a deep breath and move past all the outside world negativity that has attached around you.

The less you respond to negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, October 3, 2016

Weekly Reading

Weekly Interactive Reading from +Psychic Medium Dawn
Close your eyes take a few deep breaths clear your mind and when you feel ready open them and what image do your eyes fall upon .....

Push or Pull.


Push ~ Your card for this coming week is about communication, for some it will be communicating in its natural form using your voice and saying what it is you want to say for the right reasons not to be hurtful or spiteful. Sometimes its more about communicating with your actions dont just say it act upon it. Some of you wont be able to get the words out call upon Archangel Gabriel to assist in all of your communications. Some of you wont be able to say it out loud so write it down get it out of your mind stop it from over whelming you call a friend or seek out professional advise you are not alone, find a way to lighten your load as the saying goes "a problem shared is a problem halved". I do feel some of you are going over things from the past.... things can not be undone they can not be changed forgiveness comes into play you are not condoning a persons actions or words but by forgiving it you are not allowing it rule you and forgive yourself for words said not said actions done or not done call upon Archangel Raphael for healing imagine his beautiful green light surrounding you as a blanket welcome his warm healing into your soul and into your bones.

Pull ~ Your card for this coming week is all about transformation this is about change, for some of you it will be about small changes that have a ripple effect across your whole life. So changes can be a number of things for some it will b your thoughts this one can be tricky because we all hear and listen to the negative voice in our heads "you cant do that" "youll fail" "whats the point?" "youre to big/small" etc etc. but if you constantly alow yourself to listen you will be forever trapped doing what youre doing right now and this card is about change so stand up for yourself to yourself. For others youve moved past this and are reaching for the next door handle pull it open and step inside and reach for the light switch call upon Archangel Michael for protection and guidance as you embrace the changes around. Go for that job, apply for that course, jump at opportunities you see if you never try youll never know and therefore youll always fail because you fail to try. Call upon Archangel Chamuel to surround you in her pink loving light to help you love your self as you transform your life.
I hope you can relate to your choice id love to hear feedback publicly or privately. 
Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Tarotscopes

Monthly tarotscopes from +Psychic Medium Dawn 
Feel free to share on.

Libra 23-09 to 22-10
*You - For some of you really want you to sit and relax life is going so fast and I feel you’re so caught up in keeping up that you’re lost. You need to start trusting your own judgements and what you feel I best for you not society’s vision of what’s best or another person’s vision. For some of you decisions need to be made but don’t rush again sit down write out a list of pros and cons and see what way you lean.... what is it that you really want? Some of you need to widen your vision to the bigger picture putting all your eggs in the one basket isn’t the greatest strategy.
*Relationships – Some of you this is a very active time for matters relating to the heart and to friendships that develop on a closer level. In regards matters to romantic relationships trust yourself and your feelings. Don’t loose yourself don’t forget who you are. Friends come and go but the friends you click with no matter how long has passed you will always click with. For some of you need to clear the toxic people around or its how your emotionally handling things so eg. An new/old friend is raving about X,Y,Z and you’re jealous because you’re on M,N,O your path is different look at all you have and be grateful for what you have don’t focus on what you don’t have. The Universe and the Angels will guide you just ask and they will help.
*Finances – Some of you re-evaluate where your money is going, is it necessary? So i need it? Will i use it? I’m saying this because for some of you looking at other peoples stuff is really clouding your judgements on what’s really important. Some of you are feeling low because nothing is happening and its happening very fast hold tight everything is working out for the best you mightn’t understand yet but you will. For others stand up and ask the questions make the calls its time to face what it is your challenged by head on.

Scorpio 23-10 to 21-11
*You – Slow down why are you in such a rush? You’re going to get there in the end, patience is really needed why are you being so hard on yourself? Decisions need to be made but you need to be true to yourself. Step outside the box and be objective, is someone being under handed? I do feel there’s a snake in the grass who isn’t being completely.
*Relationships – What is holding you back? Why are you not trusting yourself you know what you feel so stop ignoring yourself listening to others its whats causing you to doubt and question yourself. Yes we do need to listen at times but you need to be the captain of your ship stop allowing others to be at the wheel. Some friendships are feeling strained for some they really concerned about you and are worried for others jealousy is stopping them from being happy and supportive do you need these people around?
*Finances – Some of you things are going in the right direction keep your eye on the ball don’t stress or worry just do what you can with what you have. The more you feel you have enough the more you will believe it so stop stopping yourself with negativity. For others i want to sit you down and find out what it is that’s blocking you, go back to basics right out the incomings & outgoings yes it will be overwhelming no its not to hard & yes it will be worth it. Make calls work out new payment options be realistic with what you have. For others your giving someone else control in relationships things should be balanced 50-50 so work as a team!!!

Sagittarius 22-11 to 21-12
*You – Some of you need to really loosen up being too cautious and too careful is blocking you sometimes we have to take a leap of faith it doesn’t matter if we win or fail it matters that we try and thats how we learn and grow as individuals. Some of you have taken that jump and are freaking out that its not working properly how youd imagined but taking that jump in the first place is only part of the battle keep your eye on the prize and what you want. For the rest of you trust yourself and believe in yourself if you don’t trust yourself 100% how can another person?
*Relationships – Be kind to yourself and others be compassionate say what you need to and what you have to and fulfil that gap that crack. Some of you need to step out of the wood work and realise that your flaws that your “nutty” selves is what makes you who you are, embrace them if we were all the same wow what a boring box beige land we would live in. Some of you need to do the same for another person embrace their “nuttiness” once its in a positive way im not for one second saying go grab the sociopath and go on a witch hunt .... that’s a little too far (lol) go and hunt for fairies or lay on the ground looking at the clouds and count the dragons.
For some of you im talking in code but stop trying to hide yourself worrying what others think do they matter? “the people who mind don’t matter and the people who matter don’t mind” just keep that in mind.
*Finances – Face your financial worries head on why are you so afraid yes things can go really bad but burying your head in the sand is doing what exactly?? I thought as much, ask for help from a friend or from a professional it mightn’t be as bad as you think but you wont know until you really figure out what and where it is thats needed. Some of you im going to be blunt need to get of your butts and do something sitting and saying “poor me” isn’t going to do anything change needs to be made small steps youve got this.

Capricorn 22-12 to 19-01
*You – Its time to get down to work, no more excuses don’t be afraid of success or of failure, make a plan of action and a goal time frame be realistic or youll end up half completed and deflated and annoyed with yourself. Some of you are being a little selfish just because you don’t feel that someone elses problem is a big deal its a big deal to them so help like you said you would. Be honest and compassionate but be truthful ..... this goes for talking to yourself why are you so hard on yourself come on you effect yourself so much by what you’re saying to yourself repeatedly.
*Relationships – Speak your mind if youre being over whelmed, if youre angry whatever it is say it get it off your chest because i do feel a few of you are slowly simmering away and others are close to boiling over. For others things are really moving forward and you have to stop trying to micromanage every single step and moment. Things have been quite slow and stagnate but everything is going to work out keep moving forward.
*Finances – Some of you need to really review all your options its like youve made a decision and are now hell bent on sticking by it..... being stuck in the mud may seem thats its impossible but you need to clear the fog and look at all your options change is good when you know everything that its involved. For others things are really going to move at a knee jerk pace be careful.

Aquarius 20-01 to 18-02
*You – Right now you need to be real with yourself, be realistic with your plans and your ambitions yes we all have dreams but lets be realistic there’s dreaming there’s goals then there’s working towards them and falling sort and then there’s sitting doing nothing and expecting different results.... which are you? Dreams can and do come true just as I believe in miracles they need faith hope and work to make them possible so really get back to basics and see what component your missing. For others you kind of feel lost in a fog get some fresh air, meditation and light exercise will help you lift the fog and see what’s what and what needs to be changed/done.
*Relationships – Change is all around you this can be a physical change of the people around you it can be a change in how your viewing the world the different ways of change are endless but some of them wont be easy or nice but unfortunately they have to happen for the next chapter to start. Its time to trust your judgements its ok to change your mind about a person their motives you are human and we all make mistakes this is how we grow and learn. For some of you now is the time to straighten up and fly.
*Finances – Review whats going on youre trusting so much that im worried find out and make sure al the Ts are crossed and the i`s are dotted theres alot of paper surrounding a few of you and i feel really swamped and over whelmed pick up the phone and ask for help it kind of feels like looking at allegbra 10+ years after school..... Some of you need to seriously refocus and stop procrastinating.

Pisces 19-02 to 20-03
*You – For some of you its time to look at what you really want in life its ok to want different things then the next person once youre being honest with yourself have patience things are working in the back ground the universe is working hard for your dreams but are you sure you know what you dream of? For some of you your dream maybe the exact carbon copy for others its a little different but open you eyes, your heart and your mind to the possibilities all around. For the rest of you take a deep breath and be proud of yourselves youve come so far and youre not giving yourself enough credit for everything youve done for yourself and for others.
*Relationships – For some of you this area is a little bleak and i want you to stop feeling sorry for yourself take a deep breath and let it go forgive yourself and the other person and love yourself because you are you. For others this card is telling me that the conflict thats lingering will be resolved some words will have to be swallowed but for some its the right thing to do swallow your pride and make peace. Always stay true to yourself.
*Finances – Some of you really need to be objective and get your head back in the game life isn’t all about money but you have to pay bills, rent/mortgages, eat, cloth yourself etc. Look at what you set out to do and if youre still loving what you do now is the perfect time for change but be objective and make sure youre 100% certain and then take a parachute and jump. For others its time for recalculations there is something not quite adding up. For some of you theres a real sense of newness in the air jump on the opportunities and see where them waves land you.

Aries 21-02 to 19-04
*You – some of you really need to take a time out from the manic world around you get back ot in nature green fields smell Autmn in the air and just simple slow down you feel woud up so tight that youre about to smash straight through a brick wall and itll be worse than you imagine lok after yourself your whole self meditation and any sort of quite time will really help there is no running away anymore you need to face your problems head on and ask for help and delegate the helpers youve got this.
*Relationships – Some of you have such strong network but you don’t feel them so much because youre afraid to ask or afraid to let them down whatever it is find out for sure then itl be one less worry. For some of you let go of the toxic people around they really are dragging you down spend as little time with them as possible. Some of you are questioning peoples motives you are right to so sniff out the rat.
*Finances – Change change change this is across the board you need to be able to accept change and deal with it appropriately these changes will ripple out to all areas of your lives but you need to be willing to allow them to happen however some of you aren’t “into” change and this will bring about issues with finaces and will ripple out to the other areas of your life.

Taurus 20-04 to 20-05
*You - For some of you, you really need to break free from the thoughts of being entrapped the door handle is right there you have the power and the control open the door and set yourself free. Material items can be replaced so please don’t attach too much time and energy into gathering them and keeping up with whats “In” right now. Theres so much more to life.
*Relationships – Some of you really need to take a chill deep breath and slow down whats the rush? Some things are worth the wait trying to rush them will make them turn to jelly be patient. For others this card signifies complete unnecessary worry people are there for you, you are not alone talk to people tell them whats wrong and get whats on your chest off it itll help you breath a little better.
*Finances – Have confidence in yourself and your decisions youve worked hard for eeverything you have so take a moment give yourself a pat on the back and brace yourself for the next chapter. For some of you get your head out of the sand thngs and people aren’t what they appear to be you know this already so whay are you ignoring it all? For the rest of you keep going the end is in sight just a little further you can do it.

Gemini 21-05 to 20-06
*You – For some of you need accept yourselves all your flaws and all your good points embrace them because its what makes you who you are. Continue to move forward on your journey some of you are questioning decisions and choices that youve made but thats impossible make peace with them and make the most of what you have. For others rethink your decisions and be objective will they get yuo to where you want to be some of you will need to go another route but thats ok itll be worth it and youll be more determined.
*Relationships – For some of you things are moving in the right direction lower your walls a little bit and allow people in for others you seem to jump straight off the wall top and you arnt looking at where youre falling most of the time this is good but youve done this before so take it easy. Conflicts from the past need to be sorted forgiveness is needed to move forward forgive the other person ad forgive yourself set yourself free don’t allow it to hold you back.
*Finances - Some of you need to start thinking long term and putting a small bit aside so as when things pop up youll be able to deal with them. New ventures are being offered to you but i do feel youre fearful but if youdont try youll never know. For others make sure youve all your paperwork in order.

Cancer 21-06 to 22-07
*You – For some of you i feel youre looking back at the past with rose tinted glasses and glamorising different situations that have happened take off the glasses and look at the past for what it is not what you feel it should have been. Its ok though all these things have made you , you. For some of you i feel youre stressing and worrying about things that aren’t in your control. The changes that have happened are leading to the happy ending that you always waned but breath when one chapter ends another begins.
*Relationships – Some of you this area of your life is looking very secure and safe bt why do you keep doubting? The more you question and doubt the harder it is to simple be in the moment. For others things are moving at a snail pace and impatience is really starting to show but stop the more you force things the longer it is until the jigsaw is slotted together.
*Finances – Some of you the seeds are well planted but you need to make sure youre watering the seedlings and are embracing all the opportunities that are being brought forward for you. Some of you need to just allow everything to happen stressing about it isn’t going to change the outcome you need to work towards it for it and then you will reap the reward.

Leo 23-07 to 22-08
*You – Some of you need to make time for the people around you but also to make time for yourself. For some you i want you to be sensible not everything is going to go to plan but its ok you can handle it. Be kind and compassionate to yourself ad towards others. For others you need to stand up and say whats on your mind again be kind and compassionate.
*Relationships – For some of you this coming month is going to be about rekindling the spark either with your partner or making time for your friends. For others this month you need to really look at your relationships and ask yourself are they worth it? Are you being realistic and giving 100% or are you giving 50% and expecting more than what you’re putting in? Its a tough call but sometimes a clean out of friends really helps the stagnate air around.
*Finances – Some of you need to stop planning stop micro managing im getting a headache yes its great to have a plan and be organised but too much is going to make you become over anxious and worry about things unnecessarily. However the opposite is the same its like youre clinging onto another day for things which in turn will cause you to become over anxious and worried for both sides of the fence you need to find a happy medium.

Virgo 23-08 to 22-09
*You – Some of you are coming into a time that needs you to release any and all judgements youve placed on yourself and on to others. You are all strong enough to get through this coming month. For the most of you be more compassionate to other people whether they be in your past with you now or entering your life. Be happy with you, your complete self whole heartedly.
*Relationships – For some of you this is a time for making peace with the past and forgiving what it is you’re holding onto. For others the search you are on is a little too “boxy” quite the lists and live in the moment. For some of you I feel you need to look inwardly and see what it is you want where do you want to be?
*Finances – Some of you are so stressed about money its making me feel ill take control of your finances stop being an outsider in your life. Ask and accept help from the people who you trust and wont judge you. For some of you stop questioning things all the time if youre doing the best you can then why are you doubting yourself? You’ve got this.

Libra 23-09 to 22-10
*You – Some of you really need to take a deep breath and let the weight of the world go, youre carrying around other peoples worries and neglecting your own which then leads you to over analysis and make a mountain out of a mole hill. For others try to write down whats worrying and stressing you, talk about your fears get them off your chest this will help you in the long run.
*Relationships – For most of you things are going according to plan the only fear i have for you is deviating off the plan... as this will cause you to get overly anxious and cause issues that weren’t even part of any of it. For others you are on the right path and all the little bumps and hurdles will make it worthwhile.
*Finances – Some of you need to step out of your comfort zones and try something new shake things up everything feels low you need to step out of the routine. Ask for help youve got this why to you feel you have to do it on your own? For others the opposite is true i want you to start taking control and doing things for yourself but still ask for help. For others re-evaluate where everything is going recalculate the finances and don’t stretch yourself too thin.

I hope you can relate to your sign and I wish you well for this coming month. Id love to hear feedback publicly or via mail.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Soul work

Re-examine all that you've told. Dismiss what insults your Soul. ~ Walt Whitman.

What a powerful message and it is so true but what people need to do is make peace and build bridges between differences on other occasions bridges should be burnt but that's a personal inner process.

Be at peace with yourself.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Welcome October

Goodnight  and  sleep tight September we will meet again as we open our arms to October and the excitement that she's brings.

Wishing you all a great month.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx