Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tarot Scopes December 2016.

Monthly Tarotscopes from +Psychic Medium Dawn

Please do share on for others.

Sagittarius: 22-11 to 21-12
You- For most of you you're on the right path but stop burying  your head amd ignoring issues tackle them head on and you'll feel better. For others stop procrastinating and get things done the longer you put it off the worse it'll be. Call upon Archangel Chamel to spread the pink rays of love and it won't appear so bad.
Relationships- Things are what they are you can either sit and wallow over days gone by and replay the past or yiu can concentrate on the present and the future. For others stop stressing trust your intuition and your judgement call upon Archangel Raphael to assist with healing this is for past wounds and present day scars.
Finances- New opportunities are coming forward for some of you but you need to have an open mind and trust that things will work out. For others keep on top of everyhting look at were it's going amd what in reality you have to do with it.

Capricorn: 22-12 to 19-01
You- For some of you this next month is all about being objective in situations and with people take a step back and look at the situation/person. For others try to find the silver lining, try and look at the funny side of things because the more you dwell the worse you'll feel. Over all you all need to have a "clean up" of friends and remove yourself from spaces, places and certain people.
Relationships - For some of you reviewing memories will only leas to heartache yes of corse you can't deny thing happened but sometimes you have to close the door you'll always have the memories but it's affecting your life prehaps you need to seek some professional life. On the other side some of you are romanticing the past and not seeing the situation for what it actually was.
Finances- For the most of you things are looking good you've stuck to your guns and it's paying off. For others you need to have patience and allow the universe to work its magic. Call upon the Angels to help and guide you daily.

Aquarius: 20-01 to 18-02
You- News it's on the way some of you have been anticipating it the wait is finally over however for some it's good and for others not so good but when you know what's what then you can get on with the next steps. For others use your strengths to your advantage to get what you're after never forget that you are an original copy so be yourself.
Relationships- Some of you its all very exciting celebrations  big announcements happy times but for others you need to get some balance in your lives I feel like things are slipping and you're fighting a loosing battle change needs to happen and it's an inner change on the most part look at things from a different perspective.
Finances- Some of you really need to take a sensible approach and be careful going forward. For others deal with it all correctly and honestly if you don't deal with it now it will come back amd bite you on the behind.

Pisces: 19-02 to 20-03
You- Some of you need relook at things that have happened in the past while and refresh your thinking these things feel quite heavy and they need to be released write down what's heavy on you and burn it release it out and step away from these situations heal yourself and move forward call upon Archangel Raphael imagine his beautiful green lights surrounding you penetrating your scars and wounds and allowing them to heal. For others its time to move forward and leave the past in the past unfortunately things can not be redone or resaid move forward knowing that you've learned the lessons and won't repeat them keep healthy boundaries and keep your heart open for what's coming.
Relationships- Some of you need to stop fighting with yourself our relationship that we have with ourselfves is the most vital we will ever have trust your gut your intuition but know when you have to look out for yourself this is self preservation step away from any and all toxic people around you. For others the small details are just that small the universe is working behind the scenes trust that everything will work out as it should.
Finances- Some of you need to slow down and really look at what you're doing amd review it. for others money isn't everything yes we all need it some want more of it but change your perspective be thankfully fir what you have know that it will get better but not by sitting and stressing but by changing  your thoughts about it and being proactive make calls change payment plans etc.

Aries: 21-03 to 19-04
You- Some of you will find its the end of a situation or phase and things are turning around for you it's time to move on. For others you are still fighting throw old ways this maybe old habits old thinking patterns stand up and know you are strong enough to get through this.
Relationships- Not all relationships are meant to last these incl. friendships and romantic relationships they teach us many different things on our journey trust what you feel. For others you need to re-evaluate what way you think of things and people stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.
Finances- Good news it's on its way to you so a little increase in wages or a change of job that will really excited you. for others however you need to be more logically with your money look at where it's going.

Taurus: 20-04 to 20-05
You- Some of you need to stop being so pessimistic always expecting the worst thing to happen if you put that much energy into being a bit more positive or seeing the silver lining you might be surprised as to what happens. For others stop being so hard on yourself meditation would really help calm your mind and allow you to relax.
Relationships- Things have really turned around for some of you but you need to stay on this path and believe in yourself. For others stop staring back at the past you can't change it so don't allow it to ruin the present or the future learn the lesson and choose what you feel in your heart is right.
Finances- It's amazing to see some of you are changing accept the opportunities you're offered you've got the midas touch so use it. For others though don't look a gift horse in the mouth accept the help you're offered.

Gemini: 21-05 to 20-06
You- It's a time for change and you are the only one that can do it. Look how far you've come look at all the obstacles you've over come you can do this. For some of you though you need to be honest with yourself you can lie to everyone else but be honest with yourself and make the changes that are needed.
Relationships- For some of you its all going smoothly and it's great keep going. For others however you need to re-evaluate your plans and goals or start to adjust accordingly by acknowledging the changes you are being guided onto the right path.
Finances- For some of you these changes will lead to further learning weather it be college, courses or personal development these will enhance your life and  give you what you've been missing. For others stop stopping yourself believe in yourself and go get it.

Cancer: 21-06 to 22-07
You- For some of you its time to enjoy life more have some fun and let your hair down. For others its time to look inward and find out what you want meditation wold really help.
Relationships- Some of you need to let go of the past the fears that have a hold on you are going to stop you from moving forward. For others its time to fully embrace what you have in the present moment and look towards the future.
Finances- Some of you really are worrying and stressing unnecessary it's a temporary pause and it will get better. For others youve gotten so knotted in everything you've planted the seeds let the universe help you keep working towards the future but accept the help from the angels and the universe believe that it is coming your way.

Leo: 23-07 to 22-08
You- For some of you stop beating yourself up so you've made a few bad decisions you're human pick yourself up and move past it. For others look at other people's motives it's not all how it's seems and you've got the blinkers on and you've tunnel vision take them off and look at the bigger picture.
Relationships- Things are really looking good for some of you use your voice and say what you want what you desire manifest your dreams into reality. For others stop looking at what other people have as the saying goes the grass is always greener on the other side if you looked at inter you're plot it'd be as green if not greener.
Finances- Some of you need to take a leap of faith and go after your dreams. For others unexpected opportunities will present themselves but don't take too long deciding what to do.

Virgo: 23-08 to 22-09
You- For some of its time to be adventurous let your hair down have fun. For others you need to look after your mental and emotional health get some fresh air and look after yourself.
Relationships- Some of you need to be objective look at the bigger picture and breath. For others stay true to yourself stopping listening to other people remove negative thinking and negative people around you as mimuch as you can.
Finances- Some of you have in the past made unwise financial decisions but don't allow that to hang round your neck make small changes that will ripple through out your life. For others take a leap of faith if you feel it'll really help with your future plans go for it it's time to make your dreams a reality.

Libra: 23-09 to 22-10
 You- For some of you, you need to get your head back up to the present day whether be rethinking last week last month or 10 years ago the thing that will be the outcome is what been done you can't rewind and redo it. for others its time to tackle things head on with compassion.
Relationships- Some of you romance is definitely looking up current relationships as in long term/ marriages feel like they're being rekindled go with it. For others you need to forgive yourself and others to allow for future relationship growth.
Finances- Some of you need to assert your independence and be brave enough to take the chances to benefit your future. For others you need to stop underestimating yourself and procrastinating it's not going to get better without you wanting it or working towards it.

Scorpio: 23-10 to 21-11
You- Some of you need to use that cm vast inner strength that you have within to get through all the hurdles that you've gone over and are currently going through now. For others you need to have forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others.
Relationships- Some of you are feeling a false sense of entrapment and are to focused on what others have look at what you have change your view and be true to yourself. For others though it's time to reevaluate what you want in the future.
Finances- Don't give up its all going to work out and you will be ok. For others you need to have courage and believe in yourself to get to where you see yourself.

I hope you can all relate to yor sign and I wish you well for this coming month. Id love to hear feedback publicly or privately.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Weekly Guidance 28/11

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn
Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.
When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?
Up or Down?
Image of Up~
For those of you guided to Up your card is all about focusing on whats important some of you may have forgotten what youre doing things for or why youre doing them so refocus at what its all about its all about refocusing and trying to see the trees even though youre standing in the forest take a deep breath and stop allowing others to have control over your emotions you are in control of yourself so focus on you for 5 minutes and simple be in the moment and then shake it off and go again.
For others this card signifies the focus needed to shoot an arrow you have to pull it back to allow it to go further so this is a time when of stepping backwards or feeling like it but it is just so you can recalculate your aim and spring forward keep focused and dont let your attention stray. For some others however its all about refocusing and trying to see the trees eve though youre standing in the forest take a deep breath and stop allowing others to have control over your emotions you.

Image of Down~
For those of you guided to this image the card is all about transformation allowing you to be completely yourself dont allow others to place limitations on you, youre as free a bird. Trust yourself more trust that intuition of yours it mighnt have all the answers and youre mind may be filling in the blanks but still trust yourself you have the midas touch aim for the moon and youll be sitting next to stars.
For others this card is about feeling lost because you are following someone else and not trusting yourself. Stop following for a moment take yourself out of that box thats been placed over you, what is it all about what can you change start by opening up the cage door and fly. You may have been wrong before but dont allow your mind to beat you down stand up for yourself use your voice and speak what you feel. Go for it change your life now for some it will be small but for theres bigger things but trust yourself now is the time.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx 

Monday, November 28, 2016

333rd day, 33 days remaining.

333rd day of the year with 33 days remaining it's that time of the year/cycle to wrap things up or changing your approach. 2016 has brought some high some low and some in between moments. Some were blessings, some lessons, some that lead to change some that have no words for but whatever the situation you have made it this far be proud of yourself.
The no.3 tells us that we're closely being guided by the ascended masters are prayers, hopes and dreams are being answered. The Universe is working behind the scenes.
The no.33 The ascended masters what you to ask for guidance and to freely give them your wishes your hopes your dreams and place your trust in them that they're working towards it all.
The no.333 you're on the home ward stretch  they're working day & night with you they'll guide you protect you and will always be their for you have faith and trust. Give time some time to work have patience my dear friend everything will work out how it's supposed to.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Cyber Monday


                               Black Friday & Cyber Monday Offers available now till November 30th.

The offers can be bought as gifts for another or for yourself. Readings will be done online or over the **phone.

Offer one:
 60 minute Spirit Communication with your loved ones and friends who have past into Spirit
                                  normally €30 now €20.

Offer two: Celtic Cross Tarot spread for questions about all areas of your life.
                                  normally €25 now €15.

Payments are via paypal you dont need to have an account with them just a card (credit,laser,debit etc) click and put the amount for which youd like to purchase €20 for 60 minute Spirit Communication or €15 for Celtic Cross spread.

You can also pay by postal order please email: and we can organise this.

**you call me I have skype, viber, whats app & I have a mobile phone.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all you beautiful Souls across the Atlantic Ocean in America I wish you all peace, love and happiness.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Black Friday Offers.


                                      Black Friday Offers available now till November 30th.

The offers can be bought as gifts for another or for yourself. Readings will be done online or over the **phone.

Offer one:
 60 minute Spirit Communication with your loved ones and friends who have past into Spirit
                                  normally €30 now €20.

Offer two: Celtic Cross Tarot spread for questions about all areas of your life.
                                  normally €25 now €15.

Payments are via paypal you dont need to have an account with them just a card (credit,laser,debit etc) click and put the amount for which youd like to purchase €20 for 60 minute Spirit Communication or €15 for Celtic Cross spread.

You can also pay by postal order please email: and we can organise this.

**you call me I have skype, viber, whats app & I have a mobile phone.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Weekly Guidance 22-11

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn​

Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.

When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?

Image A, B or C.

Image A~ Those of you guided to this image the card i all about being absolutely truthful with yourself im getting the image of a Snake shedding asking and becoming new leaving the past behind and looking straight ahead at the future. For others this card is about self respect and knowing what you want and dont want but loving yourself and respecting yourself to achieve and to succeed stop putting a cap on on your limits. Stay true to yourself and know that you have the inner strength of a lion.

Image B~ For some of you guided to this image the card is about being proud of yourself and how far youve come, you are your on captain you are the leader of your own life so stop allowing others to shade the light step outside the box thats been placed on you youve got this. For others this card is asking you to swallow your proud and make peace things will work out ok stop the waves crashing in your own head yes waves will ripple but it will all work out how its supposed to.

Image C~ For those of you guided to this image your card is all about loyalty, sincerity and unconditional love. This is a fantastic card  and a great way to be when things are moving forward and repeated mistakes keep happening yes we are all human but you need to ask yourself is this worth it? What am i supposed to do? Change do something different say it out loud make a the change within yourself put up healthy boundaries and respect yourself enough to see it through.

I hope you can relate to your choice Id love to hear feedback publicly or privately. Remember sharing is carng.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, November 21, 2016

Be Strong

When you need help or advise ask for it. This shows strength because you're facing the difficulties, problems and issues head on and not ignoring them.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Beautiful Sky

Beautiful afternoon winters sky and a breathtaking sunset.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Good morning.

Good morning to all of you beautiful Souls wherever you maybe in this world.
Wishing you all a good day and remember you've gotten through every bad and all the tough and rough times so far.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Weekly Guidance 17-11-2016

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn
Take a moment take a deep breath and quieten your mind.
When you feel ready open your eyes where do they fall?

Image A, B or C.

Image A ~ For those of you guided to thiis image Stop stopping yourself take a deep breath and continue forward on your quest. Why are you afriad? is it the unknown? is it what has been? is it the past? fear of failure? fear of success? all of these things cant be changed so you are wasting your valuable enrgy resources on them. Make peace with the past for all its highs for all its lows nothing can be changed or alterd but you have the ability to move ast them life is not a race it may feel like a big giant rat race to the finish line but no matter how slow or fast we run we all reach the finish line. Dont allw fear to place blocks in your path that arent there all you can do is try and if it fails youve learnt a way that it doesnt work. Keep trying you dont get penalised for trying thats a human thing we beat ourselfves up and over think over anaylis so rise above this and folow what your intuition is telling you. Fear is man-made and so to is breakable ......

Image B ~ For those of you guided to this image your card is all about risks and different paths that you could take. With every decision theres an eliment of risk involved but you dont get there any quicker by takig the less risky route youve probably found that by taking this route youve come up against all types of people, situations etc that you didnt expect and seen other people on the riskier road flying along its all about your prespective take a deep breath your head is spinning and i feel im on a roller coaster stop stopping yourself the answers are always within the outside world and society always complicate things. For some of you the risk is whats next? For others its do i stay on this path? Trust yourself more youve made it throough every bad day and bad situation this far in life.

Image C ~ For those of you guided to this image its all about not needing all the answers leaving things to chance, surprises, the unexpected things in life are always the most exciting but they are always, always tough and hard. We all plan to certain degree some more than others and some to extreme measures but in life that doesnt always matter how prepared you are, things happen to wobble you to get you to live a life and not half a life get yourself out of "that wont happen again" mode the chances are it wont unless its a human reoccuring error..... this is all about change and  yes do prepare but dont restrict life because of it. Some of you really need to let your hair down and have some fun find the spark to lighten your eyes again. Time is a great healer but time is endless know that you are loved know that you will be ok and that things will get easier.

I hope you can relate to your choice. Id love to hear feedback publicly or privately.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Help Lines

This post isn't my usual type of post, this post is wanting you to all know that it's ok not be be ok, that you're not crazy, that you're not on your own, that people do care, that you are loved, money isn't worth dying about, material goods are just the "fluff" of our lives, that you can do it.

In the past number of years the amount of men  and women of all different ages and backgrounds who have taken their own lives in Ireland has escalated drastically this is absolutely heartbreaking for them feeling that it was the only way out and also for family and friends feeling they missed a sign, asking why and feeling absolutely helpless.

If you are or know someone who is in suffering and pain please reach out and be there for them. Its good to talk you will help by simply listening and showing that you care. For most people a problem shared is a problem halved. If you feel you cant talk to family or friends please call one of the below numbers or visit your GP for advise.

Please reach out and ask for help.

Here is a list of help lines that may help:

  • Aware: 1800 80 48 48
  • Lifeline: 1800 273 8255
  • Pieta House: 1800 247 247
  • Samaritans: 116 123
  • Teen-line: 1800 833 634
  • Child line: 1800 66 66 66
  • MABS: request a call back from the MABS Helpline, please email us and write "Request for call back" in the subject line of your email. Don't forget to provide a phone number you can talk on privately, and one of our Helpline Advisers will try to call you back by the end of the next working day. 
         or go to for your local call number.

We as an entire community and as a small island in this  big world must waken up to the realistic issues that are causing this huge increase we need to educate ourselves and each other about mental health issues about what we can do to step in and assist. We need to help people find their voices it maybe a cliche but as a person who has communicated with countless souls that ended their lives because of issues in this life is heart breaking and this world we live in has raced ahead and left mental and emotional health issues to the side but with life as we live they are there staring us in the face. Be proud of who you are and know that you are not alone and you can get through this please please ask for help or call one of the above help lines they are confidential but dont hide it away because this will only make it harder you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Please share this along it may help someone you care about more than you will ever know.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Monday, November 14, 2016

Appointments Available

Appointments are available

Readings can all be done by phone, on skype, online via messenger, email, 1-1 ( you come to me) I travel to groups (t&cs apply) or any other  way viable to us both.

Contact me here or via

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Super Moon November 14th 2016

Tomorrow is the night of the Super Moon it hasn't been this close to Earth since January 1948 and it won't be this close again until November 2034 Itll be 14% closer to the Earth and 30% brighter than normal. Tomorrows Super Moon is going to bring a powerful energy and vibration to the world and some of us may already be feeling it tonight is a great night to place any and all your tarot, angel, oracle cards, along with all your crystals your pendulums and any other tools you use this will energise them with this powerful moon.

Write down on a piece of paper all you are thankful for and keep this as a reminder for yourself on the rough days or bury it so it will grow and you will receive plentiful of things to be thankful for.
Don't say I have nothing .... you are thinking materialistically dont, instead be thankful for the air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink, family, friends etc the list is endless. Of corse be thankful for your materials but that is what they are materials things you can live without.
As with every Full Moon it is also a time to release and manifest.Write down what you'd like to release burn it and release it into the might air with your full intentions of letting go.
For manifesting again write what you're manifesting down again burn it and release it into the night air with the intentions of the Universe making it all fall into place.
Always give thanks with what ever ritual that you do to the Universe to Mother Earth to Father Moon to your Guides to the Angels to whom ever your preferences are.

Sprinkles of love & light

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Let it shine

I love this quote. We are all a little cracked in some make shape or form but more often than not it's the brightest light that shines through and it lights the path even if only dimly at first but it will break through and guide you to where you're going.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, November 11, 2016

Interactive Reading 11-11

Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn​

Take a deep breath and when you feel ready open your eyes and where do they land?

911, 33, 58, 444, 22.

911 ~ your thoughts are becoming a reality keep your thoughts focused on what you want to happen yes it can  be hard to push aside the worries and stresses but try to keep focused on the task at hand. Call upon the angels to assist with your mission and allow the universe to work its magic.

33 ~ this number is a sign that you are not alone your loved ones in spirit your guides and the angels want you to know that you are protected and that they will assist you but you must ask for their help. Watch out for their signs theyre leaving for you.

58 ~ this number is one of abundance and finical security welcome this inflow and keep your mind on what you have not what you dont have the Angels of abundance are helping with your finances, handle your debt and any other financial matters wisely.

444 ~ you have nothing to fear the angels are around you sending you love and healing in this situation. they are supporting you with your choices and are helping with your decisions.

22 ~ this number is about keeping the faith your hopes and dreams are manifesting into reality. Have patience the angels and the universe are setting up the paths with divine synchronicity  which will bring you to where you want to be by offering opportunities and stepping stones have trust and faith in your own intuition.

I hope you can relate to you choice and id love to hear feedback publicly or privately. Remember sharing is caring.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

The greatest man that ever lived

RIP to one of the most influential poets and song writers of our time. I grew up listening to his music as my dad is a massive fan so it rippled down to me. He will be missed but his work will be left for generations to come his voice will still echo in the halls.

RIP Mr. Leonard Cohen.

All my love to your family , friends and fans xxxx

Fiver Friday 11-11

Today is Friday and every few weeks I do a #friverfriday which means for €, £ or $ 5 you get to ask 5 questions.

Payment is by paypal you dont have to have an account with them just click no account or I can send you a payment request.

Sprinkles of love & life xxxx

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Healing Energy

Sending you all Healing Energy for every area of your lives.

Welcome this healing with love. Allow Archangel Raphael to wrap his blanket of green around your entire body feel the warmth penetrate through any and all blockages and walls you've placed around your wounds and scar or hurt and pain. Envisage a green glow around you and feel the strength to allow you to move forward in love and light.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weekly Guidance

Weekly Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn​

Take a deep breath and when you feel ready open your eyes and where do they land?

1 or 2?

Image 1 ~ For those of you who choose this image  it is all about letting go of the past and moving past it you are not the same person as you once were alot has changed within and around you so stop analysising it, and wonder "what if" or wishing you could change it let it go you cant you can start today and be the person you want to be the person who is strong the person  has made it through each of those bad days every bad situation use them all as the strength to move on. For give others and forgive yourself it doesn't make anything "ok" it doesn't make it right its about allowing yourself be happy and to stop stopping yourself. I have faith in you call upon Archangel Michael to cut the negative cords that pull you back and to protect you and then call upon Archangel Raphael to heal the wounds that still ache.

Image 2 ~ For those of you guided to this image your card is about self love and love in general. Some people view self love as some kind of egotistical, narrsistical thing but self love is much more than this superficial view. When you have self love you take care of yourself fully mind body and soul. You step away from toxic people and "psychic vampires" (these are people who drain you by even being in their presence). Having self love is having healthy boundaries and being able to step back from people for your own good and their own good. Love for others this isnt all about romantic feelings this is about loving a friend, family member etc to love them unconditional regards of their decisions and choices and being there for them when things work out and when things dont with out any judgment or any "i told you so comments. For pure unconditional love call upon Archangel Chamuel she will help to unblock the energy around your heart chakra and open it for you and also cal upon Archangel Michael to protect you from any negative people around and to cut any and all negative cords attached to you.

I hope you can relate to your choice. Remember sharing is caring.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cuppa for you.

Sending tea and coffee to anyone who needs a cup.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Friday, November 4, 2016

Live and let live

Live and let live such a simple phrase with such power and conviction.

The Cole Porter quote is one that will carry forward for generations to come and is one that we should all live life by. Simple but very effective.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Weekly Guidance 11-1

Halloween Interactive Reading from Psychic Medium Dawn

Take a deep breath and when you feel ready open your eyes and which image are they guided to?
Image A or Image B?

Image A~  For those of you guided to this card it is about standing up for yourself and honouring yourself as much as you honour other people by this i mean be nicer to yourself have patience with you, love yourself and turn off that bully that sometimes appears to be speaking through a mega phone. Be proud of who you are and use your voices to speak whats on your mind. For other people this  card signifies that proudness of being independent, self reliant big walls build up around you that no bull dozer can tear down solitude very similar to this image yes this is for protection yes this is because you've been hurt yes its because you fell you cant rely on others but i feel that for some of you its a case of "all or nothing" and this is when everything is on over drive like a whirl pool and then its back to square one slow down bring down the walls by a couple of feet and take it easy or it'll be back to square one again. Love yourself enough to allow another to love you.

Image B
~ For those you guided to this image i feel you are being over critical and over analysising everything that you are saying and what other people are saying and possible not saying. Stop your heads are spinning into overdrive and this will cause you extra stresses that arent needed in your life. Theres a quote i use quite regularly "My opinion of you is none of your business just as your opinion of me is none of my business" not everyone will like you not everyone will agree and not everyone will be your "cup of tea" so it shouldnt matter what they think or feel about you if youre a nice person who treats people with respect regardless of your differences then thats a huge bonus.
For others this is about you being a friend to yourself and being overly self critical, and self analysising everything youve said and not said imaging in your head how a conversation is going to pan out take a deep breath and ask for guidance and to switch to another channel.
For those of you that were guided to image B id really recommend doing guided meditations theyd work best for you as then you wont be able to drift of to both the above scenarios.

Remember sharing is caring.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Sprinkles of love & light xxxx

Welcome November

Welcome November I wish you all a great month.
Winter has arrived and it's now time to rest your bones and your mind until the spring time comes to awaken your soul.

Sprinkles of love & light xxxx